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印网民评论:为什么印度人在美国公司获得的高层职位比中国人多 ZT by 学姐的头 on 2014-04-06

印度网友热议:为什么印度人在美国公司获得的高层职位比中国人多。三泰虎4月5日译文,为何百事公司的诺伊(Indra Nooyi)、德意志银行的简恩(Anshu Jain)和万事达卡的彭安杰(Ajay Banga)这些印度(裔)CEO能在西方大企业里取得成功?他们对英语的熟练掌握以及对西方文化的熟悉是显而易见的原因。但猎头公司还指出:印度人远比 中国人更愿意到别处去工作,而中国人在国内有更多的机会和不错的薪水。龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 外文标题:Why do Indians get more top US jobs than the Chinese? 外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/international-business/Why-do-Indians-get-more-top-US-jobs-than-the-Chinese/articleshow/33247865*河蟹*s
百事公司董事长兼首席执行官英德拉·诺伊(Indra Nooyi)
WASHINGTON: Language, familiarity with western culture and a willingness to move are the key reasons Indians are getting more top jobs in the US than the Chinese, who see more opportunity and good pay at home. So suggests a Wall Street Journal report citing the success of chief executives such as PepsiCo's Indra Nooyi, Deutsche Bank's Anshu Jain and MasterCard's Ajay Banga and the recent appointment of India-born Satya Nadella as Microsoft CEO. While "language and familiarity with Western culture are the obvious reasons" for their successes in the US, the Indians are also "more willing to move than Chinese", it says citing headhunters. 印度人对英语的熟练掌握,对西方文化的熟悉,以及比中国人更愿意到别处去工作,是印度人比中国人在美国获得更多高层工作的关键原因,而中国人在国内有更多的机会和不错的薪水。 《华尔街日报》在报道中引述了百事公司的诺伊(Indra Nooyi)、德意志银行的简恩(Anshu Jain)和万事达卡的彭安杰(Ajay Banga)这些印度(裔)CEO的成功。 猎头公司指出,对英语的熟练掌握以及对西方文化的熟悉是他们在美国获得成功的显而易见的原因。此外印度人远比中国人更愿意到别处去工作。 "Salaries for management positions at the director level in China are already $131,000 a year, almost the same as in Japan, and four times as much as in India, where executives at that level earn $35,000 on average," the journal says analysing "Why China Doesn't Export World-Class CEOs". Chinese pay is just one-fifth lower than the average level in the US, according to a survey of technology companies by Aon Hewitt, a human resource consulting company cited by the newspaper. "While India remains a tough place to live, China has become more comfortable in recent years, ranking as the No. 1 country for expatriates in an HSBC survey," it says. 《华尔街日报》这篇题为《中国为何输出不了世界级CEO》的报道指出,中国主管职位(director)的年薪已经达到13.1万美元,几乎与日本并肩,比印度更是高出三倍。印度这种层次高管的平均年薪只有3.5万美元。 根据人力资源咨询公司怡安翰威特(Aon Hewitt)的一份调查,中国高管薪资水平仅比美国低五分之一。 在印度生活还是挺艰苦的,而近年来中国的生活条件已变得相当舒适。在汇丰的一项对驻外人员的调查中,中国俨然成为外派人员的首选目的地。 Even those Chinese executives who move away to escape pollution and a slowing economy are more likely to land in Hong Kong or Singapore than get real international experience in markets such as Southeast Asia or Latin America, the Journal said. "Fewer than 10 per cent of Chinese job candidates on average would be suitable for work in a foreign company because of their poor command of English and an education system that focuses on theory rather than practical skills," it said citing a report by consulting firm McKinsey & Co. But as China suffers from a shortage of top talent, despite its enormous pool of university graduates, with 7.3 million more expected in 2014, the Journal said state-owned enterprises and private companies are bidding for home-grown talent. Thus "western companies aren't always the employer of choice in China anymore", it says. "With so much attention lavished on the most promising executives in China, many feel their opportunities are greater at home than abroad." 即便有些中国主管为了躲避空气污染和放缓的经济而逃离大陆,他们也更可能选择落脚香港或新加坡,而不是去东南亚或拉丁美洲等新兴市场去获得真正的国际经验。 咨询公司麦肯锡指出,由于中国学生英语能力不够,教育体系又偏重理论而非实践技能,因此中国求职者中适合在外国公司工作的不到10%。 尽管中国有数量庞大的大学毕业生(预计2014年将有730万毕业生),但十分缺乏高端人才。国有企业和私营企业竞相争夺本土人才。 在中国,西方公司已不再是求职者的上选。由于中国最有前途的高管被各路企业争夺,所以很多人感觉他们在中国的机会比国外多。
译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/why-do-indians-get-more-top-us-jobs-than-chinese.html
Truin (Calcutta) Indians are doing well at the individual level. Chinese are doing well at the collective level. 印度人在个人层面表现不错,中国人在集体层面表现出色。
Sijin (Gurgaon) Its v simple. Coz they are Made in China 简单啊,因为他们是中国造。
SnCh (Canada) Indians are brainy people and capable of managing the show. But Chines are very hard working people .Indians can not compete with Chines in manual labour . 印度人是聪明的人,管理能力出色。中国人吃苦耐劳。在体力劳动方面,印度人没法与中国人比。
ash (Location) why would one travel abroad if you can earn similar money at home ? -f condition in india were not too far diffrent from uk , i would close down here and do business in india but chances of that are ZERO - ZILCH -- NADA . Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 如果在国内赚的钱差不多,为什么要跑到国外去?如果印度国内的条件不会比英国差太多,我会关门大吉,回国做生意,但国内的机会几乎为零。
American desi (NYC) Their chinky eyes can't see far enough or around for opportunities! Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0) 他们的眯眯眼看不远,看不到周边的机会!
HARJOT SINGH (Unknown) Plain and Simple - Language, familiarity with western culture and a willingness to move are the key reasons Indians are getting more top jobs in the US than the Chinese Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 简单。熟练掌握英语、对西方文化的熟悉以及愿意到别处工作,是印度人在美国获得比中国人更多高层工作的关键原因。
Pawan Khajuria (Jammu City, Jammu And Ka) Agreed ! But above all it is the commitment and passion which make them cut above the rest ! Chinese as their products are not reliable ! Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 同意!最重要的是使其凌驾于一切之上的奉献和激情!中国人跟他们的产品一样不可靠!
Alpesh (Pune) Because copy paste will not work at all places.. US select people based on there mind and Chinese don't have much... 复制粘贴不是在任何地方都能起作用的。美国挑选人的依据是头脑,这点是中国人不怎么具备的。
Mohan (NY ) No this is not true. Many Orientals have been here for several generations, and have entered I the mainstream of all level of govt, business, etc.... 许多东方人在美国已经好几代了,已经进入主流社会,跻身政府和企业的各层面...
vthommandra Kumar (Location) Good analysis. Also Indians work far better outside than in India. Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 出色的分析。印度人在国外的工作表现比在国内出色多了。
ssk (Bangkok) Because Chinese lack the command over English language. The day they master it, they will rule the world. By the way there are over 50% Chinese students in UK universities. Beware... Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (0) 因为中国人缺乏对英语的驾驭能力。他们掌握英语的那一天,就是他们统治世界的那一天。顺便说下,英国大学的学生有超过一半是中国学生,小心...
bonnymoraes (goa) replies to ssk English is no longer necessary to master the world economically. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)
Pamela (USA) replies to bonnymoraes But it is still necessary to be a CEO in an American company, right?
Suresh Datta (California) replies to ssk its not the language..they lack basic intelligence and commonsense. I work with them on a daily basis in China. Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)
Pradeep Rai (India) It is a myth. Chinese folks are fast catching us. Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0) 这是一个神话。中国人正在迅速追赶我们。
VIKASH (earth) They get more top jobs because they think and speak more like the US and they look more like and live more like Americans, as well have a past that was more sympathetic to the US and aren't a country the US is worrying about going to war with!...a smart mix for both countries! Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (1) 他们之所以获得更多高层工作,是因为他们思考说话的方式更美国,外表看起来更美国,生活方式也更美国,且他们的过去更能够引起共鸣,并非来自美国担心会与其交战的国家!
Ghanshyam Raj (Orlando,United states.) Indians also get the most lowest profile job in Usa. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1) 美国最低级的工作也是印度人做的多。
dimukh Mukherji () India should be thankful to Britain for giving its greatest gift, that is its English language which is most popular and useful in all walks of life all over the world. Chinese didn't have such opportunity. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1) 印度应该感谢英国送了一个伟大的礼物,即英语。英语是世界上各行各业最流行和最有用处的语言。中国人不具备这样的机会。
Sanjay (Pune) Language is one problem and the second one is the western mindset which wants to keep distance from china. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 语言是一个问题,另一个问题是西方欲保持与中国距离的思维。
Manoj Kumar (Location) but even these rich CEOs do nothing for India Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 这些富裕的CEO对印度无任何贡献。
Anand Rai (Moscow) because Chinese are not durable.. 因为中国人不耐用
Gurinder Singh MP (Ludhiana(Punjab)) Good... This all is due to Indians hard work & loyalty towards their company ..where they work . 好样的,一切都是因为印度人辛勤工作,且忠诚于所在公司
vinayakapran () Nothing is guarantee as they are 'MADE IN CHINA' 他们是“中国造”,一切无保障。
Ravi Menon (Canada) I think it is the language pronunciation that makes a difference, Indian pronunciation is not the greatest but 10000 times better to Chinese Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1) 我认为是语言发音造成了区别。印度人的发音是世界最动听的,比中国人的发音好一万倍。
km_bridge (Location) replies to Ravi Menon Agree
Ravi Menon replies to km_bridge I have worked with a Chinese Girl who was Masters in Electronics Engineering from China and she asked me the following question "DO YOU KNOW WHERE FIND PEOPLE CALLED JOHN?" instead of "Do you know where John is?"
其实应该这样问的,即"Do you know where John is?"
vinod (Location) the real question is why are indians not successful india? Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 真正的问题是为什么印度人在国内不成功?
Alfa Dog (SKYFALL) Indian are much better at English and are harmless 100 % neither we are into too much of drinking or drugs Indians respect and follow laws in US ,Chinese loves gambling go to any Casino 55 % are oriental race ,hence Indians are prefered Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recomme 印度人的英语水平好很多,且完全无恶意,既不酗酒,也不吸毒,在美国遵纪守法。而中国人喜欢赌博,赌场里55%的人是东方面孔,因此印度人更受青睐。
Pranjal Jain (Unknown) indians are smarter than Chinese . we r smart. Agree? Agree (0)Disagree (7)Recommend (0) 印度人比中国人更聪明。我们是聪明的人,同意否?
PunebetterthanMumbai (Mumbai) replies to Pranjal Jain It's not the matter of being smart. It's the matter of fostering talent domestically. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)
vivek7447 (Location) Very Simple.... Indians love their job more than their country. The Chinese love their their country more than their job. Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (1) 非常简单。 印度人爱工作甚过爱国家;中国人爱国家甚过爱工作。
Rajeshwar (India) Chinese don't even know the spelling of quality. Agree (2)Disagree (3)Recommend (1) 中国人连“质量”这个词是怎么拼写的都不懂。
utkarsh kumar (Unknown) we need to create more jobs in india only.....then we do not need to serve other country Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1) 我们应当在国内创造更多工作,到时就没必要为其他国家服务了。
Bansi Lal (Pune, India) We should also try to create condition in India to stop the brain drain and also ensure "reverse brain drain" Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 我们也应该在国内为人才创造条件,阻止人才流失,确保“人才回流”。
jm1 (usa) replies to Bansi Lal If NRIs come back to India, what do they do? Porter at Railway Station?
Chandrika (Location) Indian always shine because of high level of knowledge and brains....Chinkies first need to learn Geography as they always draw the map wrong. Idiots! Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend ( 一直以来,印度人凭借高层次的知识和聪明才智而在世界大放光彩。中国佬首先应当学习下地理,他们老是把地图画错。
recon (Bombay) Imagine if brain drain is stopped and our own country gives employment to scholars , then that day wont be far when India would be considered world power 想象一下,如果人才不再流失,国家给学者提供就业,那么印度被视为世界大国的那一天将不会遥远。
Pamela (USA) Language barrier is the main reason. Second, US companies do not want to promote Chinese because they are from a so called "communist" country. Third, China has better environment and more potential for its domestic companies to grow inside China. Their CEOs have good salary and good living standard in China. By the way, you do not see many Japanese in top positions of US companies, either. 语言障碍是主要原因。其次,美国公司不想提拔华人,因为他们来自所谓的共产国家。第三,中国国内的环境不错,公司在国内的潜力很大,CEO的薪水不错,生活标准也高。 顺便说下,美国公司高层中也鲜见日本人。
PKumar Kumar (India) When Chinese tourist went for world tour, people says walking "ATM machine". Because they love their country and they are number one in technology export in world. Where as Indians are selfish and they use their brain to earn for them only and not for their own country. Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 中国人去国外旅行时,被当地人说成是“自动提款机”。 他们热爱国家,技术出口跻身世界第一。 印度人自私,用他们的聪明才智为自己赚钱,而不是服务于祖国。
sunny (coimbatore) All rubbish. This article must b written by an Indian. Sm fool are telling we Indians are intelligent. The fact is China has all records of man made marvels wch includes tallest biggest highest largest etc. We Indians keep consoling ourselves Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0) 垃圾文。这篇文章肯定是印度人写的。一些傻瓜说我们印度人聪明。事实上,中国保持了所有人为记录,囊括了最高、最大之类的所有记录。我们印度人就尽管安慰自己吧。
Emperor () Bcoz chinese are shorter and hence they can't touch top jobs.

Agree (0)Disagree (3)Recommend (0) 中国人比较矮嘛,够不到高层职位

EMMGEE (Some where in Mars) 113 Followers Indians are MANAGERS...while Chinese are "COPIERS".....!!! Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (0) 印度人都是经理级别的,而中国人是抄袭者!
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