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Living The Screen Life #productsmakemehappy

Original Author

Important official legal disclaimer: This is a short work of fiction. Any resemblances to real people (including myself); people you may know; people you think you may know; etc.; is entirely deliberate.
When I’m at work I’m staring at a screen. When I’m not at work I’m staring at screens. Checking social media. Scrolling through updates. Scrolling through friends. Scrolling through #instagram. Scrolling through #amazon. The customer is always right. Make sure the product you’re selling is something that people want to buy.
On the subway we’re surrounded by people that we don’t know and never will. Our heads are tilted down, eyes connected to smartphones and pod devices. Playing free games. Bright lights and colorful shapes. Swipe swipe swipe. Group texts. #netflix. Fantasy football updates. #snapchats. The anxiety of being human. New Yorkers avoid looking at or talking to one another. Once in a while there will be a crazy person on the train and all of us normal passengers can smile at each other and sigh. At least we’re not crazy.
The subway tunnels are the arteries and veins of the city, the passageways of the busy hive. If you close your eyes the movement through the tunnels feels organic, alive. A buzz of worker bees on our way. Where are we going?
I don’t want be a part of the hive. But I’m a human being. I need other human beings.
Something is broken in me. I hate myself. I don’t feel connection in any aspect of my life. friendships, family, romance, work. Ennui and alienation are my reality. A city of 8 million people. A hive of loneliness.
My life is no tragedy. I don’t have any real reasons to be sad but I’m sad. I wasn’t abused. My parents love me. I went to college. I had all the benefits of a middle class upbringing. I’m a white male in a society that has persecuted anyone and everyone who isn’t.
I eat mostly fast food. Chinese delivery. #mcdonalds. #kraft macaroni & cheese. #dominos. Microwave dinners. High sodium. High Fructose Corn Syrup. MSG. Intense flavors. Addictive flavors.
There was a terrorist attack and the nation was in shock. A maniac with a gun shot up a shopping mall. The president offered his condolences. We had an all-staff call at work to discuss how we felt. It’s important for us to remember that terrorists are evil. When terrible things happen on our TV screens it’s important to show solidarity.
We’ve never had an all-staff call at work to discuss our solidarity with the homeless people that we walk by each day between the subway station and our office. The woman who stands by the subway entrance shaking her cup of change every day. The couple that sleep in sleeping bags each night under the awning of the bodega. We didn’t have an all-staff call to discuss our solidarity with our co-workers who were laid off last week.
Binge. Binge-watch. Binge-watch television. The revolution will be televised. The revolution will be tweeted.


Browsing the internet, searching for a date. Swiping through thousands of profiles. The deep human need for connection. "Love to travel". "Looking for a partner in crime". “Enjoys witty banter”. Attempting to send thoughtful messages that will stand out. Being ignored. Rejected. Every once in a while a rare response. Variable rewards. You’ll never win if you don’t play the game. Dopamine. Slot machines. Addiction.
Sometimes I wonder if people have genuine friendships anymore. Sometimes I think back to the times when I had friends. My friends from college. I think I was always a little bit sad underneath it all. But friends are a good medicine.
We had a lot of fun back in college. This was back before our jobs dragged us to all different corners of the country. Nowadays we talk about the #nfl or #GoT through group texts. Sometimes we wish each other happy birthday. Usually we forget.
Breaking news. Check your smart phone. Turn on your television. President Trump did this. President Trump did that. Terrorist attack. Hurricane. Polar Ice Caps melting. Destruction. Human beings are terrible to each other. Stay informed. Stay alert. Informed citizens watch the news. Check #bbc, #cnn, #msnbc. Get updates and notifications. Twitter and social media keep us informed. Smart phones are smart.
Drugs make me feel better. Temporarily. Porn works too. Weed. A little coke. A little molly. Drugs and porn don't really make me happy, but they at least make me not sad for a while. A quick bump to take the pain away.
Everyone is an addict. Addiction is good for the economy. Some addictions are respectable. Some not so much. work, shopping, smart phones, #facebook, television, fossil fuels, #marvel super-hero movies, #mcdonalds, #instagram, pornography, #dominos, coffee, alcohol, #snapchat, cocaine, #oxycontin, heroin. The economy is doing well.
I talked to my sister a few weeks ago, she lives in Colorado. She used to live in Arizona, and before that North Carolina. I miss my sister. Like most young people she goes wherever her or her boyfriend can find work. She complained about her job, about how all her coworkers seem so fake. No one really seems to care about what they’re doing. It’s more important to make it seem like you care than it is to actually care.
The other day I saw a picture she posted with her co-workers - “So happy to work with these great people and this awesome company #workfriends”.
The global economy is great. Even as it rips apart the connections that we need for our emotional health, it comes up with ever more products and services and gadgets for us to substitute for those connections and soothe our loneliness. One day we will all be starting at screens all the time and we’ll never have to interact with humans in the real world ever again. Life will be good.
I know some people who find meaning in their work. They work long hours. They go out drinking with co-workers. Mostly they work in advertising or tech or finance. These industries are important because they help our economy grow. Growing the economy is important. We may live on a finite planet, but we’re committed to an economy that can grow forever.
An economy is not the only type of organic system that can commit to a cycle of endless growth. Sometimes it happens with cells in the human body for instance. This is called cancer.
Most of my time at work I sit at my desk pretending to work hard. Wondering what the other cubicle bees are doing with their time as they pretend to be working hard. Sometimes I do spread sheets that people tell me are useful. Measuring. Counting.
Once in a while I’ll grab lunch at the bodega or at #mcdonalds and I’ll notice how the employees there work so much harder than I do. Most of them are bi-lingual. They probably work harder in an hour than I do in a day.
I sit at a desk in front of a computer, so my job is really important.
Smart phone. Smart TV. Smart car. Smart house. We are smart.
When I get out of work I walk to the subway with all the other worker bees leaving their jobs. The sidewalks are buzzing with people heading this way and that. It’s important to walk fast to wherever it is you’re going. It’s important to go where you’re going and for everyone else to go where they’re going. Thinking about where you’re going is time wasted when you could be getting to where you’re going. Be careful if you smile at other people, they may see it as a threat.
At rush hour there is always a man on the corner near the subway with a sign that says “Jesus Loves You.” His eyes are intense. He doesn’t seem to be in a rush to get anywhere.
I love to learn. I love to read. I mostly hated school. Some of the most intelligent, interesting, and creative people I knew were dropouts.
School was useful for teaching us that life is about measurement and performance and specialization and commodification. Your peers are your competition. Things like empathy and imagination and cooperation are hard to measure. They’re non-linear. School doesn’t like them.
Prison population is something we can measure. There are more black men in prison today than there were enslaved at the time the Civil War began. There are 2.3 million Americans in Prison. America is the home of the Free and the Brave.
There was a pretty young woman at the register at the bookstore. She told me that she was a huge fan of the Nabokov stories I was buying. Said she loved the way he plays with language and meaning. She reached to give me a bag for the book and I told her I didn't really need one. She apologized and smiled and said that she must have asked me about a bag already. I told her that she hadn't. She blushed. I asked her her name. I asked her for her number.
Later I sent her a message. Maybe I could take her out for a drink sometime. Smiley face emoji. I never got a response. Connecting with people is hard.
Social media. Social. Media. We are social. We connect with our screens. Social media connects us to what is important. Likes, upvotes, retweets, friend requests, updates, notifications. That friendly buzzzzzz from your smart phone. It feels good to be social. Dopamine. Remember - Your brand matters. Everyone is watching.
Technology makes the world better. Technology solves problems, especially problems created by other technology. If new technologies create problems, the solution is to develop newer technologies to solve those problems. Technology and progress are the same thing. Technology helps the economy grow. When technology makes human beings obsolete, that is progress.
Sometimes it seems that we relate to our machines better than we relate to each other.
One in sixty-eight children in America is diagnosed with autism. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
I feel like my job isn’t actually about doing anything. Success is really about making it look like what you do is important. Lying to yourself to tell yourself that what you do is important.
Teamwork and cooperation are actively discouraged at work. No one knows what anyone else does, but supposedly what everyone does is important. Stare into your computer screen. Do we live in a world where success is about manipulating our fellow human beings? #winning
One day after work I saw an old woman on the subway with a young girl sleeping at her side. The woman was sewing a scarf. Sometimes people are good to each other. Sometimes the small things in life can be incredibly beautiful. Once in a while happiness will come when I’m not searching for it.
I wish I had a girlfriend. Someone I could talk to without feeling like I’m lying to myself.
People around me are growing up. Getting married. Having kids. Settling into life. My conscience is at war with my culture.
One day I took a train out of the city. I took some molly. I was hoping to escape the traps of language. I needed nature. I needed art. I was looking for something that wasn’t for sale.
Our culture destroys connection. Alienation is endemic to the system. Nobody knows anybody, nobody knows themselves. We blame and ridicule anyone who reflects the fear that is hidden within ourselves. Those who are suffering the most – the poor, the homeless, the drug addicts, the crazy, the uneducated. Anyone with a political ideology different from our own. Organic human interaction doesn’t exist, all that matters is your ability to sell and your ability to consume. Smile for #instagram, smile for #facebook. Image is everything. Human beings are commodities. We stare into screens, selling ourselves to each other. We desperately hang on for a sense of meaning and purpose to a culture which is destroying the ecosystems that we depend on for life. A culture which transforms our deep emotional need for meaning and connection into a deep emotional need for products.
In 2015 there were 33,000 deaths in America from heroin and prescription opioids. These drugs are pain killers. Pain. Killers. What pain are we trying to kill?
Some of the best people I know are chronic drug users, some of them functional, some of them not so much. What does it mean to be a human being?
Once I got so lonely that I was no longer myself. I was the hive. The people moving to and fro, the traffic, the ambulances, the delivery boys on their bicycles, the junkies, the couples hand in hand on the sidewalks, the children and dogs playing in the park, the street festivals, the subway cars rumbling through their tunnels. It was all me.
The sounds of the city are music. Everything is frequency. It’s buzzing.
Rather than acknowledging and sharing our pain and fear, using vulnerability to connect, we project onto each other. We revert to tribalism. Tribalism and hatred increase when our communities are our screens. Morality and empathy function differently in this environment. There is only the tribe and the Other. The safe space and the enemy. Stronger Together. I’m With Her. Make America Great Again. #BackLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter Advertising is our culture. #hastag your tribe.
I miss my sister. I miss my whole family. Including my extended family that I don’t really know. Sometimes I think that humans aren’t really supposed to behave like bees in a hive and that we are actually designed to live close to our families and our friends and work close to where we live. Maybe work and life and culture and happiness aren’t supposed to be separate things. “Commute” is a silly word. There’s a hope somewhere deep down that we actually need each other…that people are worth it.
As a straight, college educated, white male, I sometimes feel that I’m not allowed to be upset about the world we live in, I’m not allowed to be hurt by it. I need to #checkmyprivilege. Maybe I just need more drugs.
It’s important for us to be living in a state of constant consumption. After all, what are we if we’re not consumers? What does it mean to be a human being?
Sex sells. Sex is a good product. Orgasms can be counted. How many people have you fucked? I don’t know how to have a genuinely vulnerable emotional connection with another human being. What happens after the orgasm? Connecting with someone who you hope to have an intimate and beautiful relationship with is about selling yourself. Always remember: You Are A PRODUCT.
Make sure you have a great profile pic. It’s important to start out with a clever user name. Never start with your real name. This is advertising, people don’t want to know the real you. Make sure you look sexy at all times. Ugliness doesn’t sell. Swipe your way to happiness. True love is a click away. Everyone’s there. An entire city. A busy hive.
Drugs are Good drugs when society says they’re Good drugs. Good drugs are legal, Bad drugs are illegal.
Good people Hate president Trump. It’s important to have socially acceptable outlets for channeling negative emotions when living in an oppressive culture. Ridiculing and making fun of Trump and his supporters is something we can all do together and share in the fun.
Is it possible that Trump supporters might be human beings too? Is it possible that hatred is just fear and pain turned outward?
How’s your social media presence? What does it mean to have “presence”? where am I when I have #presence? Presence; noun; The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence.
Science and technology allow us to track and influence the behavior of massive numbers of human beings. The entire hive. How does the swarm function?
Humans can be tracked by consumption habits and behavior predicted and influenced using algorithms. The more data there is the more accurate the predictions. Eventually feedback loops from past behavior can be used to influence future behavior. What we consume tells us who we are and who we will be. #hashtag it. Humans are just numbers after all. Numbers that can be measured, counted, commodified.
Tech and big data are amazing. It’s really great they way the tech industry helps our economy. Why judge people by the content of their character when there are statistics and algorithms? More products to help the economy grow. What does it mean to be a human being?
After the Civil War, the former slaves were free to make their way in this home of the Free and the Brave. In Florida and other parts of the south, during the reconstruction period, it was common for freed slaves to be thrown in jail for no other reason than the fact that they didn’t have work. Once there, they were forced into chain gangs to build railroads and other infrastructure projects. Many of them died due to terrible conditions and over-work. Railroads were important because they brought industry and technology and economic growth. Economic progress makes the world better.
Every once in a while the screens get turned off. I get the rare chance to talk with friends or co-workers away from the screens and outside of the office environment and I have the impression that they are genuinely interested in having a positive impact in the world and in their community. Why do I feel so alienated at work, and in life? Why are we so disconnected in a world of constant connection? It has something to do with the system, the wider culture. Culture is powerful.
Worker bees working, the rhythms of the hive.
A beautiful fall day in Central Park. An oasis amidst the concrete. The wind blows through the trees, leaves shimmering in the sun. Fractals. The individual elements reflect structural patterns of the whole.
A beehive is an amazing thing. We can’t understand the hive by looking at the behavior of an individual bee, yet the combined behavior of the bees create a new phenomenon that is more than the sum of its parts – the hive. Swarming is like a cultural phenomenon of the hive. It is a pattern of the hive reflected in the bees.
The heroin addict reflects our culture of addiction. The cancer patient reflects our pathological attachment to endless growth. The autistic child reflects a society in which we have lost the ability to empathize, lost the ability to feel. We relate more to machines than to each other and to the earth. A black man murdered in the street reflects a culture in which human life is a just a number. Humans are products. A salesman for president is a reflection of us. It shows us who we are.
The art of the deal. President. Salesman. Don’t forget that you’re for sale. Everyone’s watching.
I don’t have a single person that I feel I can talk to about things that matter to me. I don’t have a single relationship where I feel I can be comfortable being myself, where I feel understood. Attempts that I make to connect are met with rejection. I fail over and over and over again. The relationships I do have are superficial. Why am I so broken? Sometimes I think that I might have something positive to offer.
The personalities that thrive in the modern world are those that embody the traits of psychopathy. Rapid turnover in interpersonal relationships. Lack of any real need for a sense of community or place. Focus on the superficial and image based forms of communication as opposed to depth and nuance. Lack of empathy. Commoditized, fragmented, specialized and depersonalized interactions with others and with the planet. We are all engulfed in this culture. There aren’t any good guys or bad guys. Causality is non-linear. We’re all guilty. We are a society in which the ability to consume is our highest virtue and being poor is a moral failure. Poor people hate themselves and each other for being poor and worship rich people for being rich. Rich people hate themselves just as much as poor people, if not more so. Can you ever consume enough to create an identity? What does it mean to be a human being? Technology, screens and financial capital. Fossil fuels. Endless War. Drone Strikes. 150 to 200 of the species that make up the biosphere of planet earth go extinct every single day. 2,220,300 people incarcerated in the United States of America. Home of the Free and the Brave.
Does the bee comprehend the nature of the hive? There are 7.442 billion human beings on planet earth. The individual human brain does not work with those kinds of numbers. We can’t relate to 7,442,000,000. 7,442,000,000 are not faces that we know. 7,442,000,000 is not connected to place. The way we make sense of 7,442,000,000…is as a product. A product to be exploited and used for all that it’s worth and then discarded a long with the rest of the natural world. Success in our culture, in the industrial juggernaut that we call our economy, comes from the ability to manipulate the largest number of human beings, from figuring out and implementing the most efficient ways of turning human beings and the planet into a #commodity.


Shorten your thoughts so your mind doesn’t wander
into the darkness beyond tomorrow.



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So I have had a headache for weeks (Part 4) immersive

OK, I have told you about our disaster of a "camping trip", our “first home invasion” and the second "attempt". I have more to tell about the strange life we find ourselves living now.

The next day after our near-death experience against the alien and his Sasquatch looking pet, we went to town in my truck to a place I know that carries just about every legally available firearm and weapon you can get in the USA and I have been told that if you have the money they can even get some illegal stuff. But I have no desire to end up in federal prison so for this trip at least we will stick to legal firearms. Parking out front you wouldn’t think much was to be had inside this gun store, but Jake’s Armory is more than just a glorified firearm reseller like Academy Sports or Dick’s sporting goods.

Jake has a type 10 FFL license which allows him to custom build just about any kind of projectile throwing device you or he can dream up. I get out of the truck and Elaine slides out of the passenger side of my royal blue 4x4. Walking to the tailgate I grab the remains of my AR10 and proceed to gingerly walk inside the shop with my wife, silently cursing the aliens for the pain my body was in.

Opening the door rings the old timey bell above and the smell of gun oil and gunpowder wraps around me and reminds me of times long ago when I use to go with my grandpa to see Jake’s dad, Jake Senior. We would come to this same store whenever he wanted some new rifle to hunt with or to upgrade one of his elephant guns as he called them.

They weren’t really elephant guns just well used shotguns that to a small boy looked like cannons when Grandpa would take me hunting. He always liked to make up stories of hunting out in the wilds of Africa with his “elephant guns” back before said hunting was considered bad.

Of course, none of his stories were true, my grandpa never left the mountains of North Carolina. He had worked in the furniture factories around the area since he was a boy and way before NAFTA and other events pretty much killed that type of manufacturing in the state.

I see Jake and Larry his son/apprentice look up. “Hi, Scott!” They cheerfully say in unison.

“What brings you into my humble shop today?” Jake walks over from behind the counter to shake my hand. He stops short when he realizes what I have in my hands. “What the hell happened to one of my babies Scott?” He grabs a crate and piles the pieces of my AR into it. Since Elaine had already told the police that what attacked us was a huge bear the night before, I immediately decide to stick to that story for now.

“We were out on our property last night investigating why our alarm system had been triggered and a really large bear surprised me and smacked me across the yard and smashed the AR.” I grimace as I pull up my shirt to show him some of the bruises covering my body that I sustained from the smackdown the Sasquatch creature gave me the night before.

“Damn Scott you are lucky to be alive! That thing must have been a monster!” Jake winces as he looks at my bruises while putting AR pieces on his workbench.

“Yea I am definitely lucky to be standing here today.” I lower my shirt gasping a little at the intense pain of the movement. “So, uh as you can see, I will need a new rifle and after last night I want to look at some stuff a little more potent.”

Jake's eyes gleam with glee. There is nothing he loves more than talking guns and making money off me. I snicker at how his face has lit up over the prospect of selling me cool stuff but regret the action when my ribs protest the movement vigorously.

“Ouch, that hurt! Don’t make me laugh Jake, it hurts too much.” I smile at him to reinforce the jocular attitude to my comment and he offers us some seats around the counter.

"So, I suppose you want more stopping power with your new rifle?" I nod my head. “Well, I have just the thing.”

Jake gets out of his desk chair and walks over to one of his display cases and pulls out a Bartlett .50 caliber BMG, one of the most powerful guns a civilian can buy. I start to protest knowing that while the Bartlett would probably do what we need, but its size and unwieldiness would make it very difficult to use in the kind of fights we had encountered so far.

Before I can say anything, I see that he is removing the magazine and the sights from the gun. With these in hand, he walks to the back of the store where he keeps the firing range for testing and his various equipment for manufacturing his own custom weapons. I hear him rummaging around back there and some various power tools can be heard for a few minutes.

The sounds stop and I hear him shout at us from the other room. “Hey come on back here, I have something to show you.”

I look over at Elaine and I raise my right eyebrow at her. “I wonder what Mister Wizard has for us now?” I am of course referencing how Jake always seems to have just what we want when we come looking for something different to add to our firearm collection. She giggles and gets up and helps me get out of my chair slowly as I am still very sore from last night.

“Hurry up old man!” She laughs at my slow movements, but I know she is just messing with me and is not happy that I am not in bed resting from last night’s beating. “The last one to the shiny new toy is a rotten egg.”

I don’t dare laugh at her jokes because the reward would just be more pain. I affect my best sounding old man’s voice, “I’ll get there when I get there, Missy.”

I head into the workshop right behind her provocatively swaying hips. Shooting me a look of mischief and love over her shoulder, I almost just grab her and drag her out of the store caveman style back to our house to have my way with this beautiful goddess that has deigned to be my wife.

But the alien threat has pushed that to the back of our lives for now as we look for ways to protect ourselves from their threat of capture or death. Walking through the doorway to the machine shop we are greeted with what looks like an AR10 with a huge barrel, longer magazine and a larger than normal arrestor, oh and the Day/night scope from the BMG affixed to the Scope rail on the rifle’s upper receiver.

I immediately notice that the scope also has an LCD screen affixed to the side of it. “Hey, is that one of those new Burtle scopes that you can use to watch your field of fire without keeping your eye in the scope?”

Jake flicks the scope’s power on. “Nice huh? Just point the rifle in the general direction of your target zone and then zoom in here.” He points to some onscreen controls. “And then put it up to your eye and boom target gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” I look at him expectantly.“Gone as in goodbye, sayonara, hasta la vista baby.” He chuckles at that and hands me one of the rifle’s magazines. I look down and examine the mag’s insides, and instead of .308 rounds like in our old ARs, I see 6 .510 rounds like is used by the Bartlett.

“What the hell, Jake these things would destroy most soft targets!” He looks me right in the eye and points at my ribs. “I never designed this gun for target practice, this is a killer! It is designed to finish a fight against targets that can fight back. If you had had this last night you wouldn’t be standing here one big ball of pain, instead, you would be at home cooking bear steaks!”

He picks up the gun, racks a mag into its slot and pulls the charging handle back, loading one of the .50 caliber rounds in the chamber. He checks the safety to make sure it is still on and walks to one of the firing lanes of the target range. He reaches over on the left wall and grabs three pairs of noise-canceling headphones from the rack and hands one each to me and Elaine. After making sure we have put the headphones on, he dons his and aims downrange at a target clearly not made of paper.

He expertly flicks off the safety with his right finger and lining up with the target he takes a deep breath and slowly pulls the trigger. Even through the headphones, the sound is insane. The recoil causes him to step back at least one step.

As my ears ring from the bark of this insane creation of his, I look downrange and see that where the target was there is only metal debris and behind that, I see that the bullet has even penetrated at least the first layers of Kevlar shielding on the outer wall of the range.

“Wow, Jake did it go out the back of the building?” Elaine yells having seen the path of destruction the same as me.

“No, but I will have to replace about 3 layers of Kevlar pads and my shoulder.” He pushes the safety back on and pulls the mag and clears the chamber with the charging handle. Putting the rifle down on the bench at the head of the range he rubs his shoulder where the gun had sat.

“I’ll take one!” I blurt out as I remove my headphones. Elaine looks down at the impressive weapon and runs a hand over it almost reverently.

Jake laughs at my enthusiasm and still rubbing his shoulder he grabs a pad to build a list with the .50 cal AR at the top he adds a case of ammo for it. “OK, what else is on the shopping list?”

“Well, I need another AR10 to replace the broken one and I need one for Elaine as well, her’s kind of got broken last night as well.” Jake’s eyes widen at that admission and he looks at me incredulously.

“How in sweet Jesus did you lose the other AR as well?” I hesitate for a split second trying to think what to say and Elaine answers the question faster.

Smiling like an innocent angel and looking like one too, she spins her tale of woe. “Well when Scott hit the ground and the bear was lumbering over top of him I was at a bad angle to take a shot, so I ran up closer, but before I could take a shot it took a swipe at me too, but it hit the gun instead and just split it in two! My hands still hurt from the impact.” She shakes her hands like still feeling the pain of the imagined attack.

Elaine plays Jake like a fiddle and it was an inspired speech she had come up with on the spur of the moment.

“So where are the pieces we might be able to salvage something?” Jake always expects us to bring the pieces of anything that might get broken because usually, he can put it back together in his little mad firearm engineer’s lab.

Elaine never missed a beat. “Well, we couldn’t find it after the bear spooked hearing the sirens coming up the drive. I think the bear may have somehow got tangled up in the shoulder strap and it walked off with the pieces!”

“Holy Crap guys, you really were unlucky last night huh?” Jake adds Elaine’s replacement AR to the list without any farther questions about it. “What else you need? Since the ARs were custom it will probably take a week to get them finished for you to pick up, probably around next Friday.”

“What about that beast.” I point over to the mutant AR on the firing bench. “I have two of those built so you can have the field tested one.” He picks up the burly AR mutant and carries it to the front counter.

Elaine and I follow him out into the regular part of the store and start wondering the isles looking at all the different pieces of equipment around the store. Passing through the black powder area I see packages of large steel balls used in black powder rifles for bullets.

I grab several packs having an epiphany in the process. I make a mental note to let Elaine in on my ideas after we leave the store. I lay the packages on the counter beside the gun and continue looking around as I get to the archery sections I have another idea and smile at my next project. Jake rings up the ammo and guns, he picks up the packs of steel shot and gives me an inquisitive look.

“I picked up a beautiful muzzleloader at an auction and I want to try it out,” I explain or rather lie to him.

“Did you forget you need gun powder and wadding for that?”

I facepalm myself and laugh a painful chuckle. “Yes, I did, please add a box of wadding and a can of black powder to the list then.” He grabs each from bins behind the counter and rings up all the parts and supplies.

He looks over the receipt and hands it to me. “That will be ten thousand two hundred dollars and forty cents. Will that be cash or credit card?” I look at the receipt and see that the only charges are the rifles, scope, and ammo.

“Jake, I think you missed some items here?”

“Scott you have been a long-time customer of mine and I am not going to charge you for the small stuff after you buy one of my own creations, I don’t get to sell one often and this is just my little thank you for trusting my abilities as an armorer.”

“Jake, you have been a good friend all these years. Besides being one of the best in the business and I really appreciate how you take care of us every time we come in. I promise to continue to be a loyal patron!”

I pay the bill with my credit card and after some more small talk Elaine and I gather up the stuff to take it to the truck outside.

“Scott, I not going to pry but I have the feeling you guys are up against something more than a rogue bear.”

I look him in the eye and grab his hand he has offered. “I can’t say anything right now Jake, but I promise if we need more help I will let you know.”

I shake his hand once more and head to the door. After securing the small stuff in the bed of the truck and after putting the rifle and ammo in the back of the king cab, we head back on the road.

Elaine looks over at me with questions in her eyes. “What was that about the black powder rifle?”

I don’t answer right away because I see our next destination up ahead. As I get in the turn lane and wait with the other cars for the light to turn green, I look over at her and begin laying out my plans.

“After seeing that steel shot in Jake’s place I had a thought. Here we are with abilities even we aren’t sure of the limits of yet so what happens if the guns get messed up again or we find ourselves without them? I believe we can propel those steel shot with our minds just as hard as the AR back there," I shoot a thumb at the backseat. "And we can carry enough around with us at all times to use in emergencies!”

The light turns green and we pull into the lot and find a place near the store's contractor entrance.

“I knew I married you for your brains and not your looks!” She laughs and hugs me hard. I grunt in pain but returned her hug to keep her close to me for a little longer. She pulls back and looks at my pained expression. “Oh honey, I am sorry I should have been more careful.”

“It is ok it was totally worth it.” I grin and start to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Honey, why are we at a hardware store?” She looks out over the parking lot of the large hardware store.

“It was the arrows at Jake's and our guns from last night that gave me the idea. We did massive damage to the Sasquatch, I don’t know if we killed it, but we definitely put it out of action. So, what if we buy solid steel poles and have them strategically placed all around the property. We don’t even need to have them sharpen they just need to be solid steel poles. We already know they will penetrate the creatures because our guns did.”

“Incredible idea, and this way if they try to come after me when you are gone to work, I will have options while I wait for you to come to my rescue.” She winks at me and unbuckles as well.

We walk into the contractor's side and find someone to help us. After placing an order for a hundred ten foot long steel poles, I also discuss getting someone to come out and do an estimate for motorized steel shutters to be installed on the first floor external doorways and windows. The person at the project desk looks at me funny when I ask about them.

"Why do you want them on a house? They are usually only used on stores to prevent after hour break-ins.” The gentleman asks.

Again, the lie comes easy too easy. “We have had some animal intrusions at night and when we take trips, so I figure with these we can keep them out while we are asleep or away.”

As the clerk walks away to get some paperwork for the construction team to come install the shutters, my wife leans over and kisses me deeply. “You are so getting laid when we get home that is another brilliant idea Hun!”

I grin and after filling out the paperwork and paying for it all we head back home, getting there just before dark. We hurry to unload the stuff we have in the truck and lock the house tight and then proceed to fix dinner. As the night closes in, we grow tense and anxious expecting an attack at any second.

Finally, it is bedtime. I take Curly out once more for his last bathroom break and I stand guard in the floods, playing with the steel shot, while he does his business. He finishes and I herd him into the house and lock up wishing the shutters were already installed. I head upstairs where Elaine is already in bed and get ready for bed.

After the trip and the nervousness from our expectation of danger, we both are exhausted. Even with the headache, we each still have but are starting to grow use to, we fall asleep quickly in each other’s arms.

An alarm goes off and I jump out of bed reaching for the twelve-gauge I was still keeping beside the bed. Before I grab it, I realized that it’s not the alarm system but the alarm on my phone making noise. I reach for it and pick the phone off the nightstand. With blurry eyes I squint to see the time: 6:00 am! I almost shout for joy, we made it a whole night with no alien attacks.

I quietly get in the shower and get ready for work the headache accompanying me like an old friend. After getting my clothes on I lightly kiss my wife and head downstairs to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I get my coffee thermos and fill it up adding some creamer and stirring it together.

I throw a pop tart in the toaster and wait for it to pop up, I pull it out and put it in a paper towel and look out the front door. I look around, my hand going to the pouch of steel shot I put in my pocket last night before bed, I see nothing unusual and I sigh with relief. I go back inside closing and locking the door and head to the garage.

Hopping into my truck I open the garage door and back out and head down the drive to the main highway. Half an hour later I arrive at work and for some reason, as I walk into the office complex my headache gets slightly worse. Looking around I don’t see anything unusual and I head up the stairs to the second floor office complex where my team’s development area is.

As I pass the security desk I wave at the guys and ladies who man the desk just as I do every day. Usually, one of them or several return my wave and say hi, but today they all stare straight ahead with blank looks on their faces. At the time I thought nothing of it, and I continued upstairs.

Reaching our suite of offices and labs I open the door to Suite D and head inside, the receptionist desk is empty with our admin assistant Rose nowhere to be found. I figure she is just running late or in the bathroom and buzz myself into the inner sanctum of computer and sensor research center two. I see Dave punching away at his workstation no doubt working on one of our new projects.

“Hi Dave, how was your weekend?” He turns and stares at me and for a split second, he has the same look as the security guards and then like a switch was flipped, he smiles like normal and greets me back.

“Hi Scott, sorry was engrossed in some sensor algorithms, my mind was somewhere else.”

“No problem, any idea where Rose or any of the other guys are?”

“They all called in. Would you believe they all have some sort of flu?” he shakes his head and turns back around and starts tapping away at his keyboard again.

“Well try not to get sick too and I will do the same. let me know if anyone makes it in, I am going to see our boss and then Will over at lab one.”

“OK will do Scott.” I chuckle silently, David has always been a strange duck, but he is good at what he does so I don’t harp on his lack of social skills.

Stepping back out into the hall I head over to my boss’s office area to give him the figures for the new AI-powered autonomous sensor system we are developing for the military’s next generation of drones and mobile ground attack bots.

As I proceed deeper into the complex my headache grows exponentially and it comes close to migraine levels. Along with the increase of the pain in my head, I start to hear a slight buzzing sound similar to the alien noise but much lower in volume. I won’t lie, this makes me really nervous and my eyes start darting around looking for black shapes in every nook and cranny between my office and the bosses.

Finally, I get to his office and head in to have Jan his admin assistant announce my arrival per our usual custom. Not finding her at her desk I walk up to his door and knock. I hear something indistinct behind the heavy door but can’t tell what it is. I start to knock again but hear heavy footsteps approach the door and it unlocks and opens. Standing there is my boss, but something is off I am not quite sure what at the time, but he opens the door fully and motions me in.

“Hello Scott, please come in. Sorry, Jan wasn’t here to ring you in. She is out with the Flu, like a lot of people are. I am beginning to wonder if we have some sort of pandemic starting.” He chuckles at that like it is some joke that people are sick.

I have known Bruce for about 10 years and never seen him be mean or callus, so seeing him laugh at people being out with a sickness takes me by surprise. I decide not to make a thing of it because maybe he is just starting to feel under the weather himself and it is making him grumpy.

“I came by to discuss the budget for project Annex and Disciple. Got some time to be bored?”

“I do, but I have a better idea! I was going to call you anyhow I have a new project for you to look over.” I expect him to go to his desk but instead, he opens the door and gestures for me to head out into the reception area.

I walk out and turn around to wait for him to close the office door. “Is the paperwork in another office?”

“Paperwork may come later. Come on you have to see this it will be a great boon to our company!”

Baffled, I continue to follow him out into the hall and to the elevators. At this point, my headache is raging and the buzzing is continuing, but I get in the elevator anyhow and watch as he pushes the button for the sub-basement assembly center where we keep large projects that need more room to be built.

“Is this an ongoing project Bruce?”

“I suppose you could say that yes.” There is a gleam in his eyes like he is on something and I feel that fluttering feeling you get when you know you are not safe.

After a minute or so we reach the subbasement and the door opens with a grumbling sound like it needs grease and wants you to know it in no uncertain terms. We step out and I notice that instead of being brightly light the hallway is dim like the darkness is hard and too thick to be penetrated by any light that is manmade.

“Looks like we need to get facilities here to fix our lighting down here.” Bruce grunts an acknowledgment as he walks into the gloom.

Following along I reach into my pocket and palm three of the steel shot as silently as I can, because my flight or fight instinct is screaming to run but my intellect is telling me I am just overreacting because of what has happened recently. Finally, we reach where ever it is Bruce wanted us to go.

“Here we go, Scott, just inside that door will be the greatest thing this company has ever embarked on!” His words do not fill me with elation and I pull my hand up ready to release the shot into whatever is behind the door.

He opens it and bright white light streams in from the room into the hall and he walks in. I follow even though I am freaking out because I want to know what might be in the room he has led me to. As I walk in the room, I see it is one of the huge hangers accessed from above by a very large materials mover and centered in the hanger is a large craft. It looks like a disk from the angle we are at, it is thin at the edges almost knife-like.

As we walk up, I see landing struts that have some sort of tracked locomotion device at the end of each one. They are far thinner than you would expect to support such a large craft but seem sturdy enough to be doing their job. As we get closer, I see that the shape of the ship isn’t really a complete disk but is more triangle shaped as it proceeds back from the circular front.

I am in awe of the ship in front of me and I don’t notice that Bruce has stopped some ways back from the ship as I proceeded forward. As I get directly under the front of the craft, I hear Bruce clear his throat and the slide of a semi-auto pistol being cocked. I turn and look in shock at the military .45 being pointed at me.

“Sorry about this Scott, but my masters think you are too dangerous to keep living! before I dispatch you though I do want a favor from you, I promise to make it a quick death if you provide me this favor.” The gun doesn’t waver from pointing at my head and I know I could probably rip it from his hand before he could pull the trigger so I play along to find out what he is talking about.

“OK, so what is this favor you want?” I slowly shuffle to the right, so I am closer to the front landing strut.

“Ah good, I see you understand where you stand in this.” Bruce takes a step forward. “My masters want this ship opened. Seems it belongs to a race that has alluded my master’s benevolent control and they believe getting inside this ship will give them the information they need to finally bring these uncontrolled creatures under their guidance.”

I look at the ship and then at Bruce. “So, you work for the assholes that have been ruining my sleep for the last few weeks?” I mentally prepare to rip the gun out of his hand.

Bruce laughs deeply, almost manically, like a villain in an old black and white movie. “Ah yes they told me you had resisted their loving control. I don’t see what is so special about you, but I will get what they want out of you and they will make me one of their elite.”

Having heard enough I pull the gun out of his hand. He looks at me in shock and suddenly I see fear in his eyes and then they go blank like his mind was no longer in residence.

“SCUM! I see you are still trying to destroy our plans, but this is as far as you go, we will destroy you now!” The voice coming out of Bruce is strange and distorted and his face looks different in some way I still can't put my finger on. I know I am in trouble because the only way out is either up in the big slow materials elevator or through Bruce who looks to be in the control of the aliens.

The buzzing that has been in my head grows to epic proportions and I wish that Elaine was here to help me, together we are have been able to take on anything they have thrown at us. Bruce suddenly has one of the alien weapons in his hand like the entity from the other night and behind Bruce a door opens and one of the Sasquatch creatures lumbers out to stand beside Him.

“Now human you will die like you should have the other night!” The pain in my head makes me dizzy and I stumble and reach out to grasp the strut of the ship to brace me from falling.

I hear or rather feel a humming from the ship and a bright light illuminates the space between my soon to be killers and me, when the light fades Elaine is standing there looking perplexed but also carrying one of the steel poles I had ordered.

“Where the hell am I?” She looks around and sees the Sasquatch before she sees me, she lets out a scream of terror and stumbles back from the creature. In her haste to get away, she drops the pole and falls into me. I let go of the ship and grab her to keep her from falling.

Again, she screams but it is cut short when she sees me and realizes she is not alone in this nightmare. She grabs me in a tight embrace and I look up to see Bruce pointing the alien weapon at both of us, we fall to the ground both agonizing from the fire alight in our minds. I reach out and pick up the rod with my mind and shove it right through the Sasquatch. It staggers but doesn’t fall like the night before!

It just keeps coming at us as the Bruce/alien keeps laughing that strange distorted laugh.

“DO you think we are stupid? After last time you defeated one of our warriors, we have reinforced our tools to withstand your power!”

The Sasquatch continues to lumber after us as we back up under the ship trying to find some way to get to safety. I pick the rod up again and with the last of my mental strength I punch the steel rod through the head of the Sasquatch and the head explodes into fire and this time the Sasquatch stumbles and falls as it starts to burn from its head down.

Another Sasquatch appears from the other side of the room and moving faster it closes in on us.

“Insolent creature I will destroy you, you have no more tricks, no one is here to save you this time, no meddling government authorities will stop me from killing you now.” I feel Elaine moving and suddenly a handful of the steel balls from Jake’s rocket across the room and destroy the head of the new Sasquatch, it falls burning like the other one.

I hear the alien scream and it touches something on the device and the pain in our heads grows till we are both crying out in indescribable horrific pain. I scramble back and pull Elaine with me, I keep my eyes on the alien even though I am slowly passing out. I feel myself bump into another strut and the ship hums again this time loud enough even the alien looks up at the ship.

“What have you done fool?” It screams at me as I slip away to unconsciousness. The last thing I hear is it screaming and a whistling noise.

I don’t know how long we are out, but when I come too I am leaning against a tree with Elaine still unconscious in my arms. I look around and realize we are back at our house in the backyard! The sun is nearly down, and my headache is back to a dull roar like normal and I see Curly looking at us from his kennel. Curly sees me move and he barks at me with one of his happy barks, waking Elaine with the sound.

“Ow, what the hell just happen Scott?” She rubs her head and gets up to a sitting position beside me and looks into my eyes. I see the confusion in her eyes and the exhaustion that has been building up in both of us over the last few weeks.

“Well, at first the alien was going to kill me, and then you show up out of the blue and well, you know the rest from there. Oh, and also, I think that alien ship that was there saved us by teleporting us home like it teleported you to me."

Elaine shakes her head and starts relating what she was doing before her abrupt appearance in the hanger. “I was looking over the load of rods that they delivered today to try and figure out how to hide them, and I had just picked one up and next thing I know I was staring at that big ugly brute.”

“Come on, Bruce wasn’t that bad, well not before he became all possessed and stuff.”

She punches me in the arm and scowls at me. I laugh and get up and reach down to help her off the ground. Figure we need to start getting in the house before dark and I needed to find out what happened at work. We head up to the house letting Curly out of his kennel on the way climbing the stairs of the back deck we turn to watch the start of a beautiful sunset happy to just be alive!

After watching the sunset for a few minutes arm in arm, we turn and head into the house locking the sliding doors and hitting the button on the alarm panel to activate the external sensors. I notice that the tv is switched on to the news and I immediately realize they are talking about my office building.

“Today tragedy struck at the (censored, sorry still don’t want anyone to know where I work) as an explosion ripped through a sub-basement of the tech giant. Officials at the company have no comment at this time, citing government contracts and NDA’s as excuses for not reporting what was in the sub-basement that could have exploded. Missing after the fire is Bruce (censored) and Scott (Censored sorry guys) both who were seen last, heading to the sub-basement that housed whatever cause the explosion.”

I look at Elaine and her eyes go wide. “OH, Scott what happened down there?”

“If I had my guess, I would say the ship self-destructed to keep the other aliens out of it. Anyhow I need to report in, so they know I am alive.”

"But they will want to know where Bruce is!” She steps over to me and holds me like she about to lose me.

“I’ll tell them he stayed behind to finish some paperwork on the project and the last I saw him everything was fine. His work habits are well known and it wouldn't unusual for that to be the case. Everything will be fine.” I hug her to comfort her nerves.

“OK, I guess Honey. You know what they will believe. I just hope we don't have to keep lying to people like this.” She leans into me and kisses me deeply.

After a few minutes we break apart and I call work. After a lengthy conversation with HR, they tell me that the new building is going to be opened early for our offices and to take the next few days off with pay while they move the labs and office over to the new headquarters.

After that lengthy phone call, we head upstairs for bed. I guessed the alien bastards have had enough for the day because we slept the rest of the night soundly and with no interruptions.

Well, the headaches are still with us and they seem to be a help as much as a hindrance will they be enough to keep us safe?
submitted by pslail to JustNotRight [link] [comments]

Blue Ridge Abduction [Part 4]

Agent Blair, I have to say when you asked for this journal I thought it to be a waste of time. But this has helped me get things in perspective on this whole nightmare.

So, I have told you about our disaster of a "camping trip", our “first home invasion” and their second "attempt". I have more to tell about the strange life we find ourselves living now.

The next day after our near-death experience against the alien and his Sasquatch looking pet, we went to town in my truck to a place I know that carries just about every legally available firearm and weapon you can get in the USA and I have been told that if you have the money they can even get some illegal stuff. But I have no desire to end up in federal prison so for this trip at least we will stick to legal firearms. Parking out front you wouldn’t think much was to be had inside this gun store, but Jake’s Armory is more than just a glorified firearm reseller like Academy Sports or Dick’s sporting goods.

Jake has a type 10 FFL license which allows him to custom build just about any kind of projectile throwing device you or he can dream up. I get out of the truck and Elaine slides out of the passenger side of my royal blue 4x4. Walking to the tailgate I grab the remains of my AR10 and proceed to gingerly walk inside the shop with my wife, silently cursing the aliens for the pain my body was in.

Opening the door rings the old-timey bell above and the smell of gun oil and gunpowder wraps around me and reminds me of times long ago when I use to go with my grandpa to see Jake’s dad, Jake Senior. We would come to this same store whenever he wanted some new rifle to hunt with or to upgrade one of his elephant guns as he called them.

They weren’t really elephant guns just well used shotguns that to a small boy looked like cannons when Grandpa would take me hunting. He always liked to make up stories of hunting out in the wilds of Africa with his “elephant guns” back before said hunting was considered bad.

Of course, none of his stories were true, my grandpa never left the mountains of North Carolina. He had worked in the furniture factories around the area since he was a boy and way before NAFTA and other events pretty much killed that type of manufacturing in the state.

I see Jake and Larry his son/apprentice look up. “Hi, Scott!” They cheerfully say in unison.

“What brings you into my humble shop today?” Jake walks over from behind the counter to shake my hand. He stops short when he realizes what I have in my hands. “What the hell happened to one of my babies Scott?” He grabs a crate and piles the pieces of my AR into it. Since Elaine had already told the police that what attacked us was a huge bear the night before, I immediately decide to stick to that story for now.

“We were out on our property last night investigating why our alarm system had been triggered and a really large bear surprised me and smacked me across the yard and smashed the AR.” I grimace as I pull up my shirt to show him some of the bruises covering my body that I sustained from the smackdown the Sasquatch creature gave me the night before.

“Damn Scott you are lucky to be alive! That thing must have been a monster!” Jake winces as he looks at my bruises while putting AR pieces on his workbench.

“Yea I am definitely lucky to be standing here today.” I lower my shirt gasping a little at the intense pain of the movement. “So, uh as you can see, I will need a new rifle and after last night I want to look at some stuff a little more potent.”

Jake's eyes gleam with glee. There is nothing he loves more than talking guns and making money off me. I snicker at how his face has lit up over the prospect of selling me cool stuff but regret the action when my ribs protest the movement vigorously.

“Ouch, that hurt! Don’t make me laugh Jake, it hurts too much.” I smile at him to reinforce the jocular attitude to my comment and he offers us some seats around the counter.

"So, I suppose you want more stopping power with your new rifle?" I nod my head. “Well, I have just the thing.”

Jake gets out of his desk chair and walks over to one of his display cases and pulls out a Bartlett .50 caliber BMG, one of the most powerful guns a civilian can buy. I start to protest knowing that while the Bartlett would probably do what we need, but its size and unwieldiness would make it very difficult to use in the kind of fights we had encountered so far.

Before I can say anything, I see that he is removing the magazine and the sights from the gun. With these in hand, he walks to the back of the store where he keeps the firing range for testing and his various equipment for manufacturing his own custom weapons. I hear him rummaging around back there and some various power tools can be heard for a few minutes.

The sounds stop and I hear him shout at us from the other room. “Hey come on back here, I have something to show you.”

I look over at Elaine and I raise my right eyebrow at her. “I wonder what Mister Wizard has for us now?” I am of course referencing how Jake always seems to have just what we want when we come looking for something different to add to our firearm collection. She giggles and gets up and helps me get out of my chair slowly as I am still very sore from last night.

“Hurry up old man!” She laughs at my slow movements, but I know she is just messing with me and is not happy that I am not in bed resting from last night’s beating. “The last one to the shiny new toy is a rotten egg.”

I don’t dare laugh at her jokes because the reward would just be more pain. I affect my best sounding old man’s voice, “I’ll get there when I get there, Missy.”

I head into the workshop right behind her provocatively swaying hips. Shooting me a look of mischief and love over her shoulder, I almost just grab her and drag her out of the store caveman style back to our house to have my way with this beautiful goddess that has deigned to be my wife.

But the alien threat has pushed that to the back of our lives for now as we look for ways to protect ourselves from their threat of capture or death. Walking through the doorway to the machine shop we are greeted with what looks like an AR10 with a huge barrel, longer magazine and a larger than normal arrestor, oh and the Day/night scope from the BMG affixed to the Scope rail on the rifle’s upper receiver.

I immediately notice that the scope also has an LCD screen affixed to the side of it. “Hey, is that one of those new Burtle scopes that you can use to watch your field of fire without keeping your eye in the scope?”

Jake flicks the scope’s power on. “Nice huh? Just point the rifle in the general direction of your target zone and then zoom in here.” He points to some onscreen controls. “And then put it up to your eye and boom target gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” I look at him expectantly.“Gone as in goodbye, sayonara, hasta la vista baby.” He chuckles at that and hands me one of the rifle’s magazines. I look down and examine the mag’s insides, and instead of .308 rounds like in our old ARs, I see 6 .510 rounds like is used by the Bartlett.

“What the hell, Jake these things would destroy most soft targets!” He looks me right in the eye and points at my ribs. “I never designed this gun for target practice, this is a killer! It is designed to finish a fight against targets that can fight back. If you had had this last night you wouldn’t be standing here one big ball of pain, instead, you would be at home cooking bear steaks!”

He picks up the gun, racks a mag into its slot and pulls the charging handle back, loading one of the .50 caliber rounds in the chamber. He checks the safety to make sure it is still on and walks to one of the firing lanes of the target range. He reaches over on the left wall and grabs three pairs of noise-canceling headphones from the rack and hands one each to me and Elaine. After making sure we have put the headphones on, he dons his and aims downrange at a target clearly not made of paper.

He expertly flicks off the safety with his right finger and lining up with the target he takes a deep breath and slowly pulls the trigger. Even through the headphones, the sound is insane. The recoil causes him to step back at least one step.

As my ears ring from the bark of this insane creation of his, I look downrange and see that where the target was there is only metal debris and behind that, I see that the bullet has even penetrated at least the first layers of Kevlar shielding on the outer wall of the range.

“Wow, Jake did it go out the back of the building?” Elaine yells having seen the path of destruction the same as me.

“No, but I will have to replace about 3 layers of Kevlar pads and my shoulder.” He pushes the safety back on and pulls the mag and clears the chamber with the charging handle. Putting the rifle down on the bench at the head of the range he rubs his shoulder where the gun had sat.

“I’ll take one!” I blurt out as I remove my headphones. Elaine looks down at the impressive weapon and runs a hand over it almost reverently.

Jake laughs at my enthusiasm and still rubbing his shoulder he grabs a pad to build a list with the .50 cal AR at the top he adds a case of ammo for it. “OK, what else is on the shopping list?”

“Well, I need another AR10 to replace the broken one and I need one for Elaine as well, her’s kind of got broken last night as well.” Jake’s eyes widen at that admission and he looks at me incredulously.

“How in sweet Jesus did you lose the other AR as well?” I hesitate for a split second trying to think what to say and Elaine answers the question faster.

Smiling like an innocent angel and looking like one too, she spins her tale of woe. “Well when Scott hit the ground and the bear was lumbering over top of him I was at a bad angle to take a shot, so I ran up closer, but before I could take a shot it took a swipe at me too, but it hit the gun instead and just split it in two! My hands still hurt from the impact.” She shakes her hands like still feeling the pain of the imagined attack.

Elaine plays Jake like a fiddle and it was an inspired speech she had come up with on the spur of the moment.

“So where are the pieces we might be able to salvage something?” Jake always expects us to bring the pieces of anything that might get broken because usually, he can put it back together in his little mad firearm engineer’s lab.

Elaine never missed a beat. “Well, we couldn’t find it after the bear spooked hearing the sirens coming up the drive. I think the bear may have somehow got tangled up in the shoulder strap and it walked off with the pieces!”

“Holy Crap guys, you really were unlucky last night huh?” Jake adds Elaine’s replacement AR to the list without any farther questions about it. “What else you need? Since the ARs were custom it will probably take a week to get them finished for you to pick up, probably around next Friday.”

“What about that beast.” I point over to the mutant AR on the firing bench. “I have two of those built so you can have the field-tested one.” He picks up the burly AR mutant and carries it to the front counter.

Elaine and I follow him out into the regular part of the store and start wondering the isles looking at all the different pieces of equipment around the store. Passing through the black powder area I see packages of large steel balls used in black powder rifles for bullets.

I grab several packs having an epiphany in the process. I make a mental note to let Elaine in on my ideas after we leave the store. I lay the packages on the counter beside the gun and continue looking around as I get to the archery sections I have another idea and smile at my next project. Jake rings up the ammo and guns, he picks up the packs of steel shot and gives me an inquisitive look.

“I picked up a beautiful muzzleloader at an auction and I want to try it out,” I explain or rather lie to him.

“Did you forget you need gun powder and wadding for that?”

I facepalm myself and laugh a painful chuckle. “Yes, I did, please add a box of wadding and a can of black powder to the list then.” He grabs each from bins behind the counter and rings up all the parts and supplies.

He looks over the receipt and hands it to me. “That will be ten thousand two hundred dollars and forty cents. Will that be cash or credit card?” I look at the receipt and see that the only charges are the rifles, scope, and ammo.

“Jake, I think you missed some items here?”

“Scott you have been a long-time customer of mine and I am not going to charge you for the small stuff after you buy one of my own creations, I don’t get to sell one often and this is just my little thank you for trusting my abilities as an armorer.”

“Jake, you have been a good friend all these years. Besides being one of the best in the business and I really appreciate how you take care of us every time we come in. I promise to continue to be a loyal patron!”

I pay the bill with my credit card and after some more small talk Elaine and I gather up the stuff to take it to the truck outside.

“Scott, I not going to pry but I have the feeling you guys are up against something more than a rogue bear.”

I look him in the eye and grab his hand he has offered. “I can’t say anything right now Jake, but I promise if we need more help I will let you know.”

I shake his hand once more and head to the door. After securing the small stuff in the bed of the truck and after putting the rifle and ammo in the back of the king cab, we head back on the road.

Elaine looks over at me with questions in her eyes. “What was that about the black powder rifle?”

I don’t answer right away because I see our next destination up ahead. As I get in the turn lane and wait with the other cars for the light to turn green, I look over at her and begin laying out my plans.

“After seeing that steel shot in Jake’s place I had a thought. Here we are with abilities even we aren’t sure of the limits of yet so what happens if the guns get messed up again or we find ourselves without them? I believe we can propel those steel shot with our minds just as hard as the AR back there," I shoot a thumb at the backseat. "And we can carry enough around with us at all times to use in emergencies!”

The light turns green and we pull into the lot and find a place near the store's contractor entrance.

“I knew I married you for your brains and not your looks!” She laughs and hugs me hard. I grunt in pain but returned her hug to keep her close to me for a little longer. She pulls back and looks at my pained expression. “Oh honey, I am sorry I should have been more careful.”

“It is ok it was totally worth it.” I grin and start to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Honey, why are we at a hardware store?” She looks out over the parking lot of the large hardware store.

“It was the arrows at Jake's and our guns from last night that gave me the idea. We did massive damage to the Sasquatch, I don’t know if we killed it, but we definitely put it out of action. So, what if we buy solid steel poles and have them strategically placed all around the property. We don’t even need to have them sharpen they just need to be solid steel poles. We already know they will penetrate the creatures because our guns did.”

“Incredible idea, and this way if they try to come after me when you are gone to work, I will have options while I wait for you to come to my rescue.” She winks at me and unbuckles as well.

We walk into the contractor's side and find someone to help us. After placing an order for a hundred ten foot long steel poles, I also discuss getting someone to come out and do an estimate for motorized steel shutters to be installed on the first floor external doorways and windows. The person at the project desk looks at me funny when I ask about them.

"Why do you want them on a house? They are usually only used on stores to prevent after hour break-ins.” The gentleman asks.

Again, the lie comes easy too easy. “We have had some animal intrusions at night and when we take trips, so I figure with these we can keep them out while we are asleep or away.”

As the clerk walks away to get some paperwork for the construction team to come install the shutters, my wife leans over and kisses me deeply. “You are so getting laid when we get home that is another brilliant idea, Hun!”

I grin and after filling out the paperwork and paying for it all we head back home, getting there just before dark. We hurry to unload the stuff we have in the truck and lock the house tight and then proceed to fix dinner. As the night closes in, we grow tense and anxious expecting an attack at any second.

Finally, it is bedtime. I take Curly out once more for his last bathroom break and I stand guard in the floods, playing with the steel shot, while he does his business. He finishes and I herd him into the house and lock up wishing the shutters were already installed. I head upstairs where Elaine is already in bed and get ready for bed.

After the trip and the nervousness from our expectation of danger, we both are exhausted. Even with the headache, we each still have but are starting to grow use to, we fall asleep quickly in each other’s arms.

An alarm goes off and I jump out of bed reaching for the twelve-gauge I was still keeping beside the bed. Before I grab it, I realized that it’s not the alarm system but the alarm on my phone making noise. I reach for it and pick the phone off the nightstand. With blurry eyes I squint to see the time: 6:00 am! I almost shout for joy, we made it a whole night with no alien attacks.

I quietly get in the shower and get ready for work the headache accompanying me like an old friend.

After getting my clothes on I lightly kiss my wife and head downstairs to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I get my coffee thermos and fill it up adding some creamer and stirring it together.

I throw a pop tart in the toaster and wait for it to pop up, I pull it out and put it in a paper towel and look out the front door. I look around, my hand going to the pouch of steel shot I put in my pocket last night before bed, I see nothing unusual and I sigh with relief. I go back inside closing and locking the door and head to the garage.

Hopping into my truck I open the garage door and back out and head down the drive to the main highway. Half an hour later I arrive at work and for some reason, as I walk into the office complex my headache gets slightly worse. Looking around I don’t see anything unusual and I head up the stairs to the second-floor office complex where my team’s development area is.

As I pass the security desk I wave at the guys and ladies who man the desk just as I do every day. Usually, one of them or several return my wave and say hi, but today they all stare straight ahead with blank looks on their faces. At the time I thought nothing of it, and I continued upstairs.

Reaching our suite of offices and labs I open the door to Suite D and head inside, the receptionist desk is empty with our admin assistant Rose nowhere to be found. I figure she is just running late or in the bathroom and buzz myself into the inner sanctum of computer and sensor research center two. I see Dave punching away at his workstation no doubt working on one of our new projects.

“Hi Dave, how was your weekend?” He turns and stares at me and for a split second, he has the same look as the security guards and then like a switch was flipped, he smiles like normal and greets me back.

“Hi Scott, sorry was engrossed in some sensor algorithms, my mind was somewhere else.”

“No problem, any idea where Rose or any of the other guys are?”

“They all called in. Would you believe they all have some sort of flu?” he shakes his head and turns back around and starts tapping away at his keyboard again.

“Well try not to get sick too and I will do the same. let me know if anyone makes it in, I am going to see our boss and then Will over at lab one.”

“OK will do Scott.” I chuckle silently, David has always been a strange duck, but he is good at what he does so I don’t harp on his lack of social skills.

Stepping back out into the hall I head over to my boss’s office area to give him the figures for the new AI-powered autonomous sensor system we are developing for the military’s next generation of drones and mobile ground attack bots.

As I proceed deeper into the complex my headache grows exponentially and it comes close to migraine levels. Along with the increase of the pain in my head, I start to hear a slight buzzing sound similar to the alien noise but much lower in volume. I won’t lie, this makes me really nervous and my eyes start darting around looking for black shapes in every nook and cranny between my office and the bosses.

Finally, I get to his office and head in to have Jan his admin assistant announce my arrival per our usual custom. Not finding her at her desk I walk up to his door and knock. I hear something indistinct behind the heavy door but can’t tell what it is. I start to knock again but hear heavy footsteps approach the door and it unlocks and opens. Standing there is my boss, but something is off I am not quite sure what at the time, but he opens the door fully and motions me in.

“Hello Scott, please come in. Sorry, Jan wasn’t here to ring you in. She is out with the Flu, like a lot of people are. I am beginning to wonder if we have some sort of pandemic starting.” He chuckles at that like it is some joke that people are sick.

I have known Bruce for about 10 years and never seen him be mean or callus, so seeing him laugh at people being out with a sickness takes me by surprise. I decide not to make a thing of it because maybe he is just starting to feel under the weather himself and it is making him grumpy.

“I came by to discuss the budget for project Annex and Disciple. Got some time to be bored?”

“I do, but I have a better idea! I was going to call you anyhow I have a new project for you to look over.” I expect him to go to his desk but instead, he opens the door and gestures for me to head out into the reception area.

I walk out and turn around to wait for him to close the office door. “Is the paperwork in another office?”

“Paperwork may come later. Come on you have to see this it will be a great boon to our company!”

Baffled, I continue to follow him out into the hall and to the elevators. At this point, my headache is raging and the buzzing is continuing, but I get in the elevator anyhow and watch as he pushes the button for the sub-basement assembly center where we keep large projects that need more room to be built.

“Is this an ongoing project Bruce?”

“I suppose you could say that yes.” There is a gleam in his eyes like he is on something and I feel that fluttering feeling you get when you know you are not safe.

After a minute or so we reach the subbasement and the door opens with a grumbling sound like it needs grease and wants you to know it in no uncertain terms. We step out and I notice that instead of being brightly light the hallway is dim like the darkness is hard and too thick to be penetrated by any light that is manmade.

“Looks like we need to get facilities here to fix our lighting down here.” Bruce grunts an acknowledgment as he walks into the gloom.

Following along I reach into my pocket and palm three of the steel shot as silently as I can, because my flight or fight instinct is screaming to run but my intellect is telling me I am just overreacting because of what has happened recently. Finally, we reach where ever it is Bruce wanted us to go.

“Here we go, Scott, just inside that door will be the greatest thing this company has ever embarked on!” His words do not fill me with elation and I pull my hand up ready to release the shot into whatever is behind the door.

He opens it and bright white light streams in from the room into the hall and he walks in. I follow even though I am freaking out because I want to know what might be in the room he has led me to. As I walk in the room, I see it is one of the huge hangers accessed from above by a very large materials mover and centered in the hanger is a large craft. It looks like a disk from the angle we are at, it is thin at the edges almost knife-like.

As we walk up, I see landing struts that have some sort of tracked locomotion device at the end of each one. They are far thinner than you would expect to support such a large craft but seem sturdy enough to be doing their job. As we get closer, I see that the shape of the ship isn’t really a complete disk but is more triangle shaped as it proceeds back from the circular front.

I am in awe of the ship in front of me and I don’t notice that Bruce has stopped some ways back from the ship as I proceeded forward. As I get directly under the front of the craft, I hear Bruce clear his throat and the slide of a semi-auto pistol being cocked. I turn and look in shock at the military .45 being pointed at me.

“Sorry about this Scott, but my masters think you are too dangerous to keep living! before I dispatch you though I do want a favor from you, I promise to make it a quick death if you provide me this favor.” The gun doesn’t waver from pointing at my head and I know I could probably rip it from his hand before he could pull the trigger so I play along to find out what he is talking about.

“OK, so what is this favor you want?” I slowly shuffle to the right, so I am closer to the front landing strut.

“Ah good, I see you understand where you stand in this.” Bruce takes a step forward. “My masters want this ship opened. Seems it belongs to a race that has alluded my master’s benevolent control and they believe getting inside this ship will give them the information they need to finally bring these uncontrolled creatures under their guidance.”

I look at the ship and then at Bruce. “So, you work for the assholes that have been ruining my sleep for the last few weeks?” I mentally prepare to rip the gun out of his hand.

Bruce laughs deeply, almost manically, like a villain in an old black and white movie. “Ah yes they told me you had resisted their loving control. I don’t see what is so special about you, but I will get what they want out of you and they will make me one of their elite.”

Having heard enough I pull the gun out of his hand. He looks at me in shock and suddenly I see fear in his eyes and then they go blank like his mind was no longer in residence.

“SCUM! I see you are still trying to destroy our plans, but this is as far as you go, we will destroy you now!” The voice coming out of Bruce is strange and distorted and his face looks different in some way I still can't put my finger on. I know I am in trouble because the only way out is either up in the big slow materials elevator or through Bruce who looks to be in the control of the aliens.

The buzzing that has been in my head grows to epic proportions and I wish that Elaine was here to help me, together we are have been able to take on anything they have thrown at us. Bruce suddenly has one of the alien weapons in his hand like the entity from the other night and behind Bruce, a door opens and one of the Sasquatch creatures lumbers out to stand beside Him.

“Now human you will die like you should have the other night!” The pain in my head makes me dizzy and I stumble and reach out to grasp the strut of the ship to brace me from falling.

I hear or rather feel a humming from the ship and a bright light illuminates the space between my soon to be killers and me, when the light fades Elaine is standing there looking perplexed but also carrying one of the steel poles I had ordered.

“Where the hell am I?” She looks around and sees the Sasquatch before she sees me, she lets out a scream of terror and stumbles back from the creature. In her haste to get away, she drops the pole and falls into me. I let go of the ship and grab her to keep her from falling.

Again, she screams but it is cut short when she sees me and realizes she is not alone in this nightmare. She grabs me in a tight embrace and I look up to see Bruce pointing the alien weapon at both of us, we fall to the ground both agonizing from the fire alight in our minds. I reach out and pick up the rod with my mind and shove it right through the Sasquatch. It staggers but doesn’t fall like the night before!

It just keeps coming at us as the Bruce/alien keeps laughing that strange distorted laugh.

“DO you think we are stupid? After last time you defeated one of our warriors, we have reinforced our tools to withstand your power!”

The Sasquatch continues to lumber after us as we back up under the ship trying to find some way to get to safety. I pick the rod up again and with the last of my mental strength I punch the steel rod through the head of the Sasquatch and the head explodes into a fire and this time the Sasquatch stumbles and falls as it starts to burn from its head down.

Another Sasquatch appears from the other side of the room and moving faster it closes in on us.

“Insolent creature I will destroy you, you have no more tricks, no one is here to save you this time, no meddling government authorities will stop me from killing you now.” I feel Elaine moving and suddenly a handful of the steel balls from Jake’s rocket across the room and destroy the head of the new Sasquatch, it falls burning like the other one.

I hear the alien scream and it touches something on the device and the pain in our heads grows till we are both crying out in indescribable horrific pain. I scramble back and pull Elaine with me, I keep my eyes on the alien even though I am slowly passing out. I feel myself bump into another strut and the ship hums again this time loud enough even the alien looks up at the ship.

“What have you done fool?” It screams at me as I slip away to unconsciousness. The last thing I hear is it screaming and a whistling noise.

I don’t know how long we are out, but when I come too I am leaning against a tree with Elaine still unconscious in my arms. I look around and realize we are back at our house in the backyard! The sun is nearly down, and my headache is back to a dull roar like normal and I see Curly looking at us from his kennel. Curly sees me move and he barks at me with one of his happy barks, waking Elaine with the sound.

“Ow, what the hell just happen Scott?” She rubs her head and gets up to a sitting position beside me and looks into my eyes. I see the confusion in her eyes and the exhaustion that has been building up in both of us over the last few weeks.

“Well, at first the alien was going to kill me, and then you show up out of the blue and well, you know the rest from there. Oh, and also, I think that alien ship that was there saved us by teleporting us home like it teleported you to me."

Elaine shakes her head and starts relating what she was doing before her abrupt appearance in the hanger. “I was looking over the load of rods that they delivered today to try and figure out how to hide them, and I had just picked one up and next thing I know I was staring at that big ugly brute.”

“Come on, Bruce wasn’t that bad, well not before he became all possessed and stuff.”

She punches me in the arm and scowls at me. I laugh and get up and reach down to help her off the ground. Figure we need to start getting in the house before dark and I needed to find out what happened at work. We head up to the house letting Curly out of his kennel on the way climbing the stairs of the back deck we turn to watch the start of a beautiful sunset happy to just be alive!

After watching the sunset for a few minutes arm in arm, we turn and head into the house locking the sliding doors and hitting the button on the alarm panel to activate the external sensors. I notice that the tv is switched on to the news and I immediately realize they are talking about my office building.

“Today tragedy struck at the (censored, sorry still don’t want anyone to know where I work) as an explosion ripped through a sub-basement of the tech giant. Officials at the company have no comment at this time, citing government contracts and NDA’s as excuses for not reporting what was in the sub-basement that could have exploded. Missing after the fire is Bruce (censored) and Scott (Censored sorry guys) both who were seen last, heading to the sub-basement that housed whatever cause the explosion.”

I look at Elaine and her eyes go wide. “OH, Scott what happened down there?”

“If I had my guess, I would say the ship self-destructed to keep the other aliens out of it. Anyhow, I need to report in, so they know I am alive.”

"But they will want to know where Bruce is!” She steps over to me and holds me like she about to lose me.

“I’ll tell them he stayed behind to finish some paperwork on the project and the last I saw him everything was fine. His work habits are well known and it wouldn't unusual for that to be the case. Everything will be fine.” I hug her to comfort her nerves.

“OK, I guess Honey. You know what they will believe. I just hope we don't have to keep lying to people like this.” She leans into me and kisses me deeply.

After a few minutes we break apart and I call work. After a lengthy conversation with HR, they tell me that the new building is going to be opened early for our offices and to take the next few days off with pay while they move the labs and office over to the new headquarters.

After that lengthy phone call, we head upstairs for bed. I guessed the alien bastards have had enough for the day because we slept the rest of the night soundly and with no interruptions.

Well, the headaches are still with us and they seem to be a help as much as a hindrance, but will they be enough to keep us safe?
submitted by pslail to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

So I have had a headache for weeks (Part 4)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
OK, I have told you about our disaster of a "camping trip", our “first home invasion” and the second "home invasion attempt". Here is the next thing that happened after that night.

The next day after our near death experience against the alien and his Sasquatch looking pet, we went to town in my truck to a place I know that carries just about every legally available firearm and weapon you can get in the USA and I have been told that if you have the money they can even get some illegal stuff. But I have no desire to end up in federal prison so for this trip at least we will stick to legal firearms. Parking out front you wouldn’t think much was to be had inside this gun store, but Jake’s Armory is more than just a glorified firearm reseller like Academy Sports or Dick’s sporting goods. Jake has a type 10 FFL license which allows him to custom build just about any kind of projectile throwing device you or he can dream up.

I get out of the truck and Elaine slides out of the passenger side of my royal blue 4x4. Walking to the tailgate I grab the remains of my AR10 and proceed to gingerly walk inside the shop with my wife, silently cursing the aliens for the pain my body was in. Opening the door rings the old timey bell above and the smell of gun oil and gunpowder wraps around me and reminds me of times long ago when I use to go with my grandpa to see Jake’s dad, Jake Senior.

We would come to this same store whenever he wanted some new rifle to hunt with or to upgrade one of his elephant guns as he called them, they weren’t really elephant guns just well used shotguns that to a small boy looked like cannons when Grandpa would take me hunting.

He always like to make up stories of hunting out in the wilds of Africa with his “elephant guns” back before said hunting was considered bad. Of course, none of his stories were true, my grandpa never left the mountains of North Carolina. He had worked in the furniture factories around the area since he was a boy and way before NAFTA and other events pretty much killed that type of manufacturing in the state.

I see Jake and Larry his son/apprentice look up. “Hi Scott!” They cheerfully say in unison.

“What brings you into my humble shop today?” Jake walks over from behind the counter to shake my hand. He stops short when he realizes what I have in my hands. “What the hell happened to one of my babies Scott?” He grabs a crate and piles the pieces of my AR into it. Since Elaine had already told the police that what attacked us was a huge grizzly the night before, I immediately decide to stick to that story for now.

“We were out on our property last night investigating why our alarm system had been triggered and a really large grizzly surprised me and smacked me across the yard and smashed the AR.” I grimace as I pull up my shirt to show him some of the bruises covering my body that I sustained from the smack down the Sasquatch creature gave me the night before.

“Damn Scott you are lucky to be alive! That thing must have been a monster!” Jake winces as he looks at my bruises while putting AR pieces on his work bench.

“Yea I am definitely lucky to be standing here today.” I lower my shirt gasping a little at the intense pain of the movement. “So, uh as you can see, I will need a new rifle and after last night I want to look at some stuff a little more potent.”

Jakes eyes gleam with glee. There is nothing he loves more than talking guns and making money off me. I snicker at how his face has lit up over the prospect of selling me cool stuff but regret the action when my ribs protest the movement vigorously.

“Ouch, that hurt! Don’t make me laugh Jake, it hurts too much.” I smile at him to reinforce the jocular attitude to my comment and he offers us some seats around the counter.

"So, I suppose you want more stopping power with your new rifle?" I nod my head. “Well I have just the thing.”

Jake gets out of his desk chair and walks over to one of his display cases and pulls out a Bartlett .50 caliber BMG, one of the most powerful guns a civilian can buy. I start to protest knowing that while the Bartlett would probably do what we need, but its size and unwieldiness would make it very difficult to use in the kind of fights we had encountered so far.

Before I can say anything, I see that he is removing the magazine and the sights from the gun. With these in hand he walks to the back of the store where he keeps the firing range for testing and his various equipment for manufacturing his own custom weapons. I hear him rummaging around back there and some various power tools can be heard for a few minutes.

The sounds stop and I hear him shout at us from the other room. “Hey come on back here, I have something to show you.”

I look over at Elaine and I raise my right eyebrow at her. “I wonder what Mister Wizard has for us now?” I am of course referencing how Jake always seems to have just what we want when we come looking for something different to add to our firearm collection.

She giggles and gets up and helps me get out of my chair slowly as I am still very sore from last night.

“Hurry up old man!” She laughs at my slow movements, but I know she is just messing with me and is not happy that I am not in bed resting from last night’s beating. “Last one to the shiny new toy is a rotten egg.” I don’t dare laugh at her jokes because the reward would just be more pain.

I affect my best sounding old man’s voice, “I’ll get there when I get there, Missy.”

I head into the workshop right behind her provocatively swaying hips. Shooting me a look of mischief and love over her shoulder, I almost just grab her and drag her out of the store caveman style back to our house to have my way with this beautiful goddess that has deign to be my wife.

But the alien threat has pushed that to the back of our lives for now as we look for ways to protect ourselves from their threat of capture or death. Walking through the doorway to the machine shop we are greeted with what looks like an AR10 with a huge barrel, longer magazine and a larger than normal arrestor, oh and the Day/night scope from the BMG affixed to the Scope rail on the rifle’s upper receiver. I immediately notice that the scope also has an LCD screen affixed to the side of it.

“Hey, is that one of those new Burtle scopes that you can use to watch your field of fire without keeping your eye in the scope?”

Jake flicks the scope’s power on. “Nice huh? Just point the rifle in the general direction of your target zone and then zoom in here.” He points to some on screen controls. “And then put it up to your eye and boom target gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” I look at him expectantly.

“Gone as in goodbye, sayonara, hasta la vista baby.” He chuckles at that and hands me one of the rifle’s magazines. I look down and examine the mag’s insides, and instead of .308 rounds like in our old ARs I see 6 .510 rounds like is used by the Bartlett.

“What the hell, Jake these things would destroy most soft targets!”

He looks me right in the eye and points at my ribs. “I never designed this gun for target practice, this is a killer! It is designed to finish a fight against targets that can fight back. If you had had this last night you wouldn’t be standing here one big ball of pain, instead you would be at home cooking bear steaks!” He picks up the gun, racks a mag into its slot and pulls the charging handle back, loading one of the .50 caliber rounds in the chamber. He checks the safety to make sure it is still on and walks to one of the firing lanes of the target range.

He reaches over on the left wall and grabs three pairs of noise-canceling headphones from the rack and hands one each to me and Elaine. After making sure we have put the headphones on, he dons his and aims downrange at a target clearly not made of paper. He expertly flicks off the safety with his right finger and lining up with the target he takes a deep breath and slowly pulls the trigger. Even through the headphones, the sound is insane. The recoil causes him to step back at least one step.

As my ears ring from the bark of this insane creation of his, I look downrange and see that where the target was there is only metal debris and behind that, I see that the bullet has even penetrated at least the first layers of Kevlar shielding on the outer wall of the range.

“Wow, Jake did it go out the back of the building?” Elaine yells having seen the path of destruction the same as me.

“No, but I will have to replace about 3 layers of Kevlar pads and my shoulder.” He pushes the safety back on and pulls the mag and clears the chamber with the charging handle. Putting the rifle down on the bench at the head of the range he rubs his shoulder where the gun had sat.

“I’ll take one!” I blurt out as I remove my headphones. Elaine looks down at the impressive weapon and runs a hand over it almost reverently.

Jake laughs at my enthusiasm and still rubbing his shoulder he grabs a pad to build a list with the .50 cal AR at the top he adds a case of ammo for it. “OK what what else is on the shopping list?”

“Well, I need another AR10 to replace the broken one and I need one for Elaine as well, her’s kind of also got broken last night.” Jake’s eyes widen at that admission and he looks at me incredulously.

“How in sweet Jesus did you lose the other AR as well?” I hesitate for a split second trying to think what to say and Elaine answers the question faster.

Smiling like an innocent angel and looking like one too, she spins her tell of woe. “Well when Scott hit the ground and the bear was lumbering over top of him I was at a bad angle to take a shot, so I ran up closer and before I could take a shot it took a swipe at me too, but it hit the gun instead and just split it in two! My hands still hurt from the impact.” She shakes her hands like still feeling the pain of the imagined attack.

Elaine plays Jake like a fiddle and it was an inspired speech she had come up with on the spur of the moment.

“So where are the pieces we might be able to salvage something?” Jake always expects us to bring the pieces of anything that might get broken because usually he can put it back together in his little mad firearm engineer’s lab.

Elaine never missed a beat. “Well, we couldn’t find it after the bear spooked hearing the sirens coming up the drive. I think the bear may have somehow got tangled up in the shoulder strap and it walked off with the pieces!”

“Holy Crap guys, you really were unlucky last night huh?” Jake adds Elaine’s replacement AR to the list without any farther questions about it. “What else you need? Since the AR’s were custom it will probably take a week to get them finished for you to pick up, probably around next Friday.”

“What about that beast.” I point over to the mutant AR on the firing bench.

“I have two of those built so you can have the field tested one.” He picks up the burly AR mutant and carries it to the front counter. Elaine and I follow him out into the regular part of the store and start wondering the isles looking at all the different pieces of equipment around the store. Passing through the black powder area I see packages of large steel balls used in black powder rifles for bullets. I grab several packs having an epiphany in the process.

I make a mental note to let Elaine in on my ideas after we leave the store. I lay the packages on the counter beside the gun and continue looking around as I get to the archery sections I have another idea and smile at my next project. Jake rings up the ammo and guns, he picks up the packs of steel shot and gives me an inquisitive look.

“I picked up a beautiful muzzleloader at an auction and I want to try it out.” I explain or rather lie to him.

“Did you forget you need gunpowder and wadding for that?”

I facepalm myself and laugh a painful chuckle. “Yes, I did, please add a box of wadding and a can of black powder to the list then.” He grabs each from bins behind the counter and rings up all the parts and supplies.

He looks over the receipt and hands it to me. “That will be ten thousand two hundred dollars and forty cents. Will that be cash or credit card?”

I look at the receipt and see that the only charges are the rifles, scope and ammo.

“Jake, I think you missed some items here?”

“Scott you have been a long-time customer of mine and I am not going to charge you for the small stuff after you buy one of my own creations, I don’t get to sell one often and this is just my little thank you for trusting my abilities as an armorer.”

“Jake, you have been a good friend all these years. Besides being one of the best in the business and I really appreciate how you take care of us every time we come in. I promise to continue to be a loyal patron!”

I pay the bill with my credit card and after some more small talk Elaine and I gather up the stuff to take it to the truck outside.

“Scott, I not going to pry but I have the feeling you guys are up against something more than a rogue bear.”

I look him in the eye and grab his hand he has offered. “I can’t say anything right now Jake, but I promise if we need more help I will let you know.” I shake his hand once more and head to the door.

After securing the small stuff in the bed of the truck and after putting the rifle and ammo in the back of the king cab, we head back on the road.

Elaine looks over at me with questions in her eyes. “What was that about the black powder rifle?”

I don’t answer right away because I see our next destination up ahead. As I get in the turn lane and wait with the other cars for the light to turn green, I look over at her and begin laying out my plans.

“After seeing that steel shot in Jake’s place I had a thought. Here we are with abilities even we aren’t sure of the limits of yet so what happens if the guns get messed up again or we find ourselves without them? I believe we can propel those steel shot with our minds just as hard as the AR back there," I shoot a thumb at the backseat. "and we can carry enough around with us at all times to use in emergencies!” The light turns green and we pull into the lot and find a place near the store's contractor entrance.

“I knew I married you for your brains and not your looks!” She laughs and hugs me hard. I grunt in pain but returned her hug to keep her close to me for a little longer.

She pulls back and looks at my pained expression. “Oh honey, I am sorry I should have been more careful.”

“It is ok it was totally worth it.” I grin and start to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Honey why are we at a hardware store?” She looks out over the parking lot of the large hardware store.

“It was the arrows at Jakes and our guns from last night that gave me the idea. We did massive damage to the sasquatch, I don’t know if we killed it, but we definitely put it out of action. So, what if we buy solid steel poles and have them strategically placed all around the property. We don’t even need to have them sharpen they just need to be solid steel poles. We already know they will penetrate the creatures because our guns did.”

“Incredible idea, and this way if they try to come after me when you are gone to work, I will have options while I wait for you to come to my rescue.” She winks at me and unbuckles as well.

We walk in to the contractor side and find someone to help us. After placing an order for a hundred ten-foot long steel poles I also discuss getting someone to come out and do an estimate for motorized steel shutters to be install on the first floor external doorways and windows. The person at the project desk looks at me funny when I ask about them.

"Why do you want them on a house? They are usually only used on stores to prevent after hour break ins.” The gentleman asks.

Again, the lie comes easy too easy. “We have had some animal intrusions at night and when we take trips, so I figure with these we can keep them out while we are asleep or away.”

As the clerk walks away to get some paperwork for the construction team to come install the shutters, my wife leans over and kisses me deeply. “You are so getting laid when we get home that is another brilliant idea Hun!”

I grin and after filling out the paperwork and paying for it all we head back home, getting there just before dark. We hurry to unload the stuff we have in the truck and lock the house tight and then proceed to fix dinner. As the night closes in, we grow tense and anxious expecting an attack at any second.

Finally, it is bedtime. I take Curly out once more for his last bathroom break and I stand guard in the floods, playing with the steel shot, while he does his business. He finishes and I herd him into the house and lock up wishing the shutters were already installed. I head upstairs where Elaine is already in bed and get ready for bed.

After the trip and the nervousness from our expectation of danger has us both exhausted and even with the headache, we each still have but are starting to grow use to, we fall asleep quickly in each other’s arms.

An alarm goes off and I jump out of bed reaching for the twelve gauge I am still keeping beside the bed. Before I grab it, I realize that it’s not the alarm system but the alarm on my phone making noise. I reach for it and pick the phone off the nightstand. With blurry eyes I squint to see the time: 6:00 am! I almost shout for joy, we made it a whole night with no alien attacks. I quietly get in the shower and get ready for work the headache accompanying me like an old friend.

After getting my clothes on I lightly kiss my wife and head downstairs to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I get my coffee thermos and fill it up adding some creamer and stirring it together. I throw a pop tart in the toaster and wait for it to popup, I pull it out and put it in a paper towel and look out the front door. I look around, my hand going to the pouch of steel shot I put in my pocket last night before bed, I see nothing unusual and I sigh with relief. I go back inside closing and locking the door and head to the garage. Hopping into my truck I open the garage door and back out and head down the drive to the main highway. Half an hour later I arrive at work and for some reason as I walk into the office complex my headache gets slightly worse.

Looking around I don’t see anything unusual and I head up the stairs to the second floor office complex where my team’s development area is. As I pass the security desk I wave at the guys and ladies who man the desk like I do every day. Usually one of them or several return my wave and say hi, but today they all stare straight ahead with blank looks on their faces. At the time I thought nothing of it, and I continued upstairs.

Reaching our suite of offices and labs I open the door to Suite D and head inside, the receptionist desk is empty with our admin assistant Rose nowhere to be found. I figure she is just running late or in the bathroom and buzz myself into the inner sanctum of computer and sensor research center two. I see Dave punching away at his workstation no doubt working on one of our new projects.

“Hi Dave, how was your weekend?” He turns and stares at me and for a split second he has the same look as the security guards and then like a switch was flipped, he smiles like normal and greets me back.

“Hi Scott, sorry was engrossed in some sensor algorithms, my mind was somewhere else.”

“No problem, any idea where Rose or any of the other guys are?”

“They all called in would you believe they all have some sort of flu?” he shakes his head and turns back around and starts tapping away at his keyboard again.

“Well try not to get sick too and I will do the same. let me know if anyone makes it in, I am going to see our boss and then Will over at lab one.”

“OK will do Scott.” I chuckle silently, David has always been a strange duck, but he is good at what he does so I don’t harp on his lack of social skills.

Stepping back out into the hall I head over to my boss’s office area to give him the figures for the new AI powered autonomous sensor system we are developing for the military’s next generation of drones and mobile ground attack bots.

As I proceed deeper into the complex my headache grows exponentially and it comes close to migraine levels. Along with the increase of the pain in my head I start to hear a slight buzzing sound similar to the alien noise but much lower in volume. I won’t lie, this makes me really nervous and my eyes start darting around looking for black shapes in every nook and cranny between my office and the boss’s. Finally I get to his office and head in to have Jan his admin assistant announce my arrival per our usual custom.

Not finding her at her desk I walk up to his door and knock. I hear something indistinct behind the heavy door but can’t tell what it is. I start to knock again but hear heavy footsteps approach the door and it unlocks and opens. Standing there is my boss, but something is off I am not quite sure what at the time, but he opens the door fully and motions me in.

“Hello Scott, please come in. Sorry Jan wasn’t here to ring you in. She is out with the Flu like a lot of people are. I am beginning to wonder if we have some sort of pandemic starting.” He chuckles at that like it is some joke that people are sick. I have known Bruce for about 10 years and never seen him be mean or callus, so seeing him laugh at people being out with a sickness takes me by surprise. I decide not to make a thing of it because maybe he is just starting feel under the weather himself and it is making him grumpy.

“I came by to discuss the budget for project Annex and Disciple. Got some time to be bored?”

“I do, but I have a better idea! I was going to call you anyhow I have a new project for you to look over.” I expect him to go to his desk but instead he opens the door and gestures for me to head out into the reception area.

I walk out and turn around to wait for him to close the office door. “Is the paperwork in another office?”

“Paperwork may come later. Come on you have to see this it will be a great boon to our company!”

Baffled, I continue to follow him out into the hall and to the elevators, at this point my headache is raging and the buzzing is continuing but I get in the elevator anyhow and watch as he pushes the button for the sub-basement assembly center where we keep large projects that need more room to be built.

“Is this an ongoing project Bruce?”

“I suppose you could say that yes.” There is a gleam in his eyes like he is on something and I feel that fluttering feeling you get when you know you are not safe.

After a minute or so we reach the sub basement and the door opens with a grumbling sound like it needs grease and wants you to know it in no uncertain terms. We step out and I notice that instead of being brightly light the hallway is dim like the darkness is hard and too thick to be penetrated by any light that is manmade.

“Looks like we need to get facilities here to fix our lighting down here.” Bruce grunts an acknowledgment as he walks into the gloom.

Following along I reach into my pocket and palm three of the steel shot as silently as I can, because my flight or fight instinct is screaming to run but my intellect is telling me I am just overreacting because of what has happened recently. Finally, we reach where ever it is Bruce wanted us to go.

“Here we go Scott just inside that door will be the greatest thing this company has ever embarked on!”

His words do not fill me with elation and I pull my hand up ready to release the shot into whatever is behind the door.

He opens it and bright white light streams in from the room into the hall and he walks in I follow even though I am freaking out, because I want to know what might be in the room, he has led me to.

As I walk in the room, I see it is one of the huge hangers accessed from above by a very large materials mover and centered in the hanger is a large craft. It looks like a disk from the angle we are at, it is thin at the edges almost knife like.

As we walk up, I see landing struts that have some sort of tracked locomotion device at the end of each one. They are far thinner than you would expect to support such a large craft but seem sturdy enough to be doing their job. As we get closer, I see that the shape of the ship isn’t really a complete disk but is more triangle shaped as it proceeds back from the circular front.

I am in awe of the ship in front of me and I don’t notice that Bruce has stopped some ways back from the ship as I proceeded forward. As I get directly under the front of the craft, I hear Bruce clear his throat and the slide of a semi-auto pistol being cocked. I turn and look in shock at the military .45 being pointed at me.

“Sorry about this Scott, but my masters think you are too dangerous to keep living! before I dispatch you though I do want a favor from you, I promise to make it a quick death if you provide me this favor.” The gun doesn’t waver from pointing at my head and I know I could probably rip it from his hand before he could pull the trigger so I play along to find out what he is talking about.

“OK so what is this favor you want?” I slowly shuffle to the right, so I am closer to the front landing strut.

“Ah good, I see you understand where you stand in this.” Bruce takes a step forward. “My masters want this ship opened. Seems it belongs to a race that has alluded my master’s benevolent control and they believe getting inside this ship will give them the information they need to finally bring these uncontrolled creatures under their guidance.” I look at the ship and then at Bruce.

“So, you work for the assholes that have been ruining my sleep for the last few weeks?” I mentally prepare to rip the gun out of his hand.

Bruce laughs deeply almost manically, like a villain in an old black and white movie. “Ah yes they told me you had resisted their loving control. I don’t see what is so special about you, but I will get what they want out of you and they will make me one of their elite.”

Having heard enough I pull the gun out of his hand. He looks at me in shock and suddenly I see fear in his eyes and then they go blank like his mind was no longer in residence.

“SCUM! I see you are still trying to destroy our plans, but this is as far as you go, we will destroy you now!” The voice coming out of Bruce is strange and distorted and his face looks different in some way I still can't put my finger on. I know I am in trouble because the only way out is either up in the big slow materials elevator or through Bruce who looks to be totally in the control of the aliens.

The buzzing that has been in my head grows to epic proportions and I wish that Elaine was here to help me, together we are have been able to take on anything they have thrown at us. Bruce suddenly has one of the alien weapons in his hand like the entity from the other night and behind Bruce a door opens and one of the Sasquatch creatures lumbers out to stand beside Him.

“Now human you will die like you should have the other night!”

The pain in my head makes me dizzy and I stumble and reach out to grasp the strut of the ship to brace me from falling. I hear or rather feel a humming from the ship and a bright light illuminates the space between my soon to be killers and me, when the light fades Elaine is standing there looking perplexed but also carrying one of the steel poles I had ordered.

“Where the hell am I?” She looks around and sees the sasquatch before she sees me, she lets out a scream of terror and stumbles back from the creature. In her haste to get away she drops the pole and falls into me. I let go of the ship and grab her to keep her from falling.

Again, she screams but it is cut short when she sees me and realizes she is not alone in this nightmare. She grabs me in a tight embrace and I look up to see Bruce pointing the alien weapon at both of us, we fall to the ground both agonizing from the fire alight in our minds.

I reach out and pick up the rod with my mind and shove it right through the sasquatch, it staggers but doesn’t fall like the night before! It just keeps coming at us as the Bruce/alien keeps laughing that strange distorted laugh.

“DO you think we are stupid? After last time you defeated one of our warriors, we have reinforced our tools to withstand your power!”

The sasquatch continues to lumber after us as we back up under the ship trying to find some way to get to safety. I pick the rod up again and with the last of my mental strength I punch the steel rod through the head of the sasquatch and the head explodes into fire and this time the sasquatch stumbles and falls as it starts to burn from its head down. Another Sasquatch appears from the other side of the room and moving faster it closes in on us.

“Insolent creature I will destroy you, you have no more tricks, no one is here to save you this time, no meddling government authorities will stop me from killing you now.”

I feel Elaine moving and suddenly a handful of the steel balls from Jake’s rocket across the room and destroy the head of the new sasquatch, it falls burning like the other one. I hear the alien scream and it touches something on the device and the pain in our heads grows till we are both crying out in indescribable horrific pain.

I scramble back and pull Elaine with me, I keep my eyes on the alien even though I am slowly passing out. I feel myself bump into another strut and the ship hums again this time loud enough even the alien looks up at the ship.

“What have you done fool?” It screams at me as I slip away to unconsciousness. The last thing I hear is it screaming and a whistling noise.

I don’t know how long we are out, but when I come to I am leaning against a tree with Elaine still unconscious in my arms, I look around and realize we are back at our house in the backyard! The sun is nearly down, and my headache is back to a dull roar like normal and I see Curly looking at us from his kennel. Curly sees me move and he barks at me with one of his happy barks, waking Elaine with the sound.

“Ow, what the hell just happen Scott?” She rubs her head and gets up to a sitting position beside me and looks in to my eyes. I see the confusion in her eyes and the exhaustion that has been building up in both of us over the last few weeks.

“Well, at first the alien was going to kill me, and then you show up out of the blue and well, you know the rest from there. Oh, and also, I think that alien ship that was there saved us by teleporting us home like it teleported you to me.

Elaine shakes her head and starts relating what she was doing before her abrupt appearance in the hanger. “I was looking over the load of rods that they delivered today to try and figure out how to hide them, and I had just picked one up and next thing I know I was staring at that big ugly brute.”

“Come on, Bruce wasn’t that bad, well not before he became all possessed and stuff.”

She punches me in the arm and scowls at me. I laugh and get up and reach down to help her off the ground. I figure we need to start getting in the house before dark and I needed to find out what happen at work.

We head up to the house letting Curly out of his kennel on the way, climbing the stairs of the back deck we turn to watch the start of a beautiful sunset happy to just be alive! After watching the sunset for a few minutes arm in arm, we turn and head into the house locking the sliding doors and hitting the button on the alarm panel to activate the external sensors. I notice that the tv is switched on to the news and I immediately realize they are talking about my office building.

“Today tragedy struck at the (censored, sorry still don’t want anyone to know where I work) as an explosion ripped through a sub-basement of the tech giant. Officials at the company have no comment at this time, citing government contracts and NDA’s as excuses for not reporting what was in the sub-basement that could have exploded. Missing after the fire is Bruce (censored) and Scott (Censored sorry guys) both who were seen last heading to the sub-basement that housed whatever caused the explosion.”

I look at Elaine and her eyes go wide. “OH, Scott what happen down there?”

“If I had my guess, I would say the ship self-destructed to keep the other aliens out of it. Anyhow I need to report in, so they know I am alive.”

"But they will want to know where Bruce is!” She steps over to me and holds me like she is about to lose me.

“I’ll tell them he stayed behind to finish some paperwork on the project and the last I saw him everything was fine. His work habits are well know and it wouldn't be unusual for that to be the case. Everything will be fine.” I hug her to comfort her nerves.

“Ok I guess Honey. You know what they will be believed. I just hope we don't have to keep lying to people like this.” She leans in to me and kisses me deeply.

After a few minutes we break apart and I call work. After a lengthy conversation with HR, they tell me that the new building is going to be opened early for our offices and to take the next few days off with pay while they move the labs and office over to the new headquarters.

After that lengthy phone call, we head upstairs for bed. I guessed the alien bastards have had enough for the day because we slept the rest of the night soundly and with no interruptions.
So nosleep it is getting strange here, any ideas to help us with the headaches and to keep safe?

Part 5
submitted by pslail to nosleep [link] [comments]

So I have Had a headache for weeks (Part 4)

OK, I have told you about our disaster of a "camping trip", our “first home invasion” and the second "attempt". I have more to tell about the strange life we find ourselves living now.

The next day after our near-death experience against the alien and his Sasquatch looking pet, we went to town in my truck to a place I know that carries just about every legally available firearm and weapon you can get in the USA and I have been told that if you have the money they can even obtain some illegal stuff. But I have no desire to end up in federal prison so for this trip at least we will stick to legitimate firearms. Parking out front you wouldn’t think much was to be had inside this gun store. However Jake’s Armory is more than just a glorified firearm reseller like Academy Sports or Dick’s sporting goods .

Jake has a type 10 FFL license which allows him to custom build just about any kind of projectile throwing device you or he can dream up. I get out of the truck and Elaine slides out of the passenger side of my royal blue 4x4. Walking to the tailgate I grab the remains of my AR10 and proceed to gingerly walk inside the shop with my wife, silently cursing the aliens for the pain my body was in.

Opening the door rings the old-timey bell above and the smell of gun oil and gunpowder wraps around me and reminds me of times long ago when I use to go with my grandpa to see Jake’s dad, Jake Senior. We would come to this same store whenever he wanted some new rifle to hunt with or to upgrade one of his elephant guns as he called them.

They weren’t really elephant guns just well used shotguns that to a small boy looked like cannons when Grandpa would take me hunting. He always liked to make up stories of hunting out in the wilds of Africa with his “elephant guns” back before said hunting was considered bad.

Of course, none of his stories were true, my grandpa never left the mountains of North Carolina. He had worked in the furniture factories around the area since he was a boy and way before NAFTA and other events pretty much killed that type of manufacturing in the state.

I see Jake and Larry his son/apprentice look up. “Hi, Scott!” They cheerfully say in unison.

“What brings you into my humble shop today?” Jake walks over from behind the counter to shake my hand. He stops short when he realizes what I have in my hands. “What the hell happened to one of my babies Scott?” He grabs a crate and piles the pieces of my AR into it. Since Elaine had already told the police that what attacked us was a huge bear the night before, I immediately decide to stick to that story for now.

“We were out on our property last night investigating why our alarm system had been triggered and a really large bear surprised me and smacked me across the yard and smashed the AR.” I grimace as I pull up my shirt to show him some of the bruises covering my body that I sustained from the smackdown the Sasquatch creature gave me the night before.

“Damn Scott you are lucky to be alive! That thing must have been a monster!” Jake winces as he looks at my bruises while putting AR pieces on his workbench.

“Yea I am definitely lucky to be standing here today.” I lower my shirt gasping a little at the intense pain of the movement. “So, uh as you can see, I will need a new rifle and after last night I want to look at some stuff a little more potent.”

Jake's eyes gleams with glee. There is nothing he loves more than talking guns and making money off me. I snicker at how his face has lit up over the prospect of selling me cool stuff but regret the action when my ribs protest the movement vigorously.

“Ouch, that hurt! Don’t make me laugh Jake, it hurts too much.” I smile at him to reinforce the jocular attitude to my comment and he offers us some seats around the counter.

"So, I suppose you want more stopping power with your new rifle?" I nod my head. “Well, I have just the thing.”

Jake gets out of his desk chair and walks over to one of his display cases and pulls out a Bartlett .50 caliber BMG, one of the most powerful guns a civilian can buy. I start to protest knowing that while the Bartlett would probably do what we need, but its size and unwieldiness would make it very difficult to use in the kind of fights we had encountered so far.

Before I can say anything, I see that he is removing the magazine and the sights from the gun. With these in hand, he walks to the back of the store where he keeps the firing range for testing and his various equipment for manufacturing his own custom weapons. I hear him rummaging around back there and some various power tools can be heard for a few minutes.

The sounds stop and I hear him shout at us from the other room. “Hey come on back here, I have something to show you.”

I look over at Elaine and I raise my right eyebrow at her. “I wonder what Mister Wizard has for us now?” I am of course referencing how Jake always seems to have just what we want when we come looking for something different to add to our firearm collection. She giggles and gets up and helps me get out of my chair slowly as I am still very sore from last night.

“Hurry up old man!” She laughs at my slow movements, but I know she is just messing with me and is not happy that I am not in bed resting from last night’s beating. “The last one to the shiny new toy is a rotten egg.”

I don’t dare laugh at her jokes because the reward would just be more pain. I affect my best sounding old man’s voice, “I’ll get there when I get there, Missy.”

I head into the workshop right behind her provocatively swaying hips. Shooting me a look of mischief and love over her shoulder, I almost just grab her and drag her out of the store caveman style back to our house to have my way with this beautiful goddess that has deigned to be my wife.

But the alien threat has pushed that to the back of our lives for now as we look for ways to protect ourselves from their threat of capture or death. Walking through the doorway to the machine shop we are greeted with what looks like an AR10 with a huge barrel, longer magazine and a larger than normal arrestor, oh and the Day/night scope from the BMG affixed to the Scope rail on the rifle’s upper receiver.

I immediately notice that the scope also has an LCD screen affixed to the side of it. “Hey, is that one of those new Burtle scopes that you can use to watch your field of fire without keeping your eye in the scope?”

Jake flicks the scope’s power on. “Nice huh? Just point the rifle in the general direction of your target zone and then zoom in here.” He points to some onscreen controls. “And then put it up to your eye and boom target gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?” I look at him expectantly.“Gone as in goodbye, sayonara, hasta la vista baby.” He chuckles at that and hands me one of the rifle’s magazines. I look down and examine the mag’s insides, and instead of .308 rounds like in our old ARs, I see 6 .510 rounds like is used by the Bartlett.

“What the hell, Jake these things would destroy most soft targets!” He looks me right in the eye and points at my ribs. “I never designed this gun for target practice, this is a killer! It is designed to finish a fight against targets that can fight back. If you had had this last night you wouldn’t be standing here one big ball of pain, instead, you would be at home cooking bear steaks!”

He picks up the gun, racks a mag into its slot and pulls the charging handle back, loading one of the .50 caliber rounds in the chamber. He checks the safety to make sure it is still on and walks to one of the firing lanes of the target range. He reaches over on the left wall and grabs three pairs of noise-canceling headphones from the rack and hands one each to me and Elaine. After making sure we have put the headphones on, he dons his and aims downrange at a target clearly not made of paper.

He expertly flicks off the safety with his right finger and lining up with the target he takes a deep breath and slowly pulls the trigger. Even through the headphones, the sound is insane. The recoil causes him to step back at least one step.

As my ears ring from the bark of this insane creation of his, I look downrange and see that where the target was there is only metal debris and behind that, I see that the bullet has even penetrated at least the first layers of Kevlar shielding on the outer wall of the range.

“Wow, Jake did it go out the back of the building?” Elaine yells having seen the path of destruction the same as me.

“No, but I will have to replace about 3 layers of Kevlar pads and my shoulder.” He pushes the safety back on and pulls the mag and clears the chamber with the charging handle. Putting the rifle down on the bench at the head of the range he rubs his shoulder where the gun had sat.

“I’ll take one!” I blurt out as I remove my headphones. Elaine looks down at the impressive weapon and runs a hand over it almost reverently.

Jake laughs at my enthusiasm and still rubbing his shoulder he grabs a pad to build a list with the .50 cal AR at the top he adds a case of ammo for it. “OK, what else is on the shopping list?”

“Well, I need another AR10 to replace the broken one and I need one for Elaine as well, her’s kind of got broken last night as well.” Jake’s eyes widen at that admission and he looks at me incredulously.

“How in sweet Jesus did you lose the other AR as well?” I hesitate for a split second trying to think what to say and Elaine answers the question faster.

Smiling like an innocent angel and looking like one too, she spins her tale of woe. “Well when Scott hit the ground and the bear was lumbering over top of him I was at a bad angle to take a shot, so I ran up closer, but before I could take a shot it took a swipe at me too, but it hit the gun instead and just split it in two! My hands still hurt from the impact.” She shakes her hands like still feeling the pain of the imagined attack.

Elaine plays Jake like a fiddle and it was an inspired speech she had come up with on the spur of the moment.

“So where are the pieces we might be able to salvage something?” Jake always expects us to bring the pieces of anything that might get broken because usually, he can put it back together in his little mad firearm engineer’s lab.

Elaine never missed a beat. “Well, we couldn’t find it after the bear spooked hearing the sirens coming up the drive. I think the bear may have somehow got tangled up in the shoulder strap and it walked off with the pieces!”

“Holy Crap guys, you really were unlucky last night huh?” Jake adds Elaine’s replacement AR to the list without any farther questions about it. “What else you need? Since the ARs were custom it will probably take a week to get them finished for you to pick up, probably around next Friday.”

“What about that beast.” I point over to the mutant AR on the firing bench. “I have two of those built so you can have the field-tested one.” He picks up the burly AR mutant and carries it to the front counter.

Elaine and I follow him out into the regular part of the store and start wondering the isles looking at all the different pieces of equipment around the store. Passing through the black powder area I see packages of large steel balls used in black powder rifles for bullets.

I grab several packs having an epiphany in the process. I make a mental note to let Elaine in on my ideas after we leave the store. I lay the packages on the counter beside the gun and continue looking around as I get to the archery sections I have another idea and smile at my next project. Jake rings up the ammo and guns, he picks up the packs of steel shot and gives me an inquisitive look.

“I picked up a beautiful muzzleloader at an auction and I want to try it out,” I explain or rather lie to him.

“Did you forget you need gun powder and wadding for that?”

I facepalm myself and laugh a painful chuckle. “Yes, I did, please add a box of wadding and a can of black powder to the list then.” He grabs each from bins behind the counter and rings up all the parts and supplies.

He looks over the receipt and hands it to me. “That will be ten thousand two hundred dollars and forty cents. Will that be cash or credit card?” I look at the receipt and see that the only charges are the rifles, scope, and ammo.

“Jake, I think you missed some items here?”

“Scott you have been a long-time customer of mine and I am not going to charge you for the small stuff after you buy one of my own creations, I don’t get to sell one often and this is just my little thank you for trusting my abilities as an armorer.”

“Jake, you have been a good friend all these years. Besides being one of the best in the business and I really appreciate how you take care of us every time we come in. I promise to continue to be a loyal patron!”

I pay the bill with my credit card and after some more small talk Elaine and I gather up the stuff to take it to the truck outside.

“Scott, I not going to pry but I have the feeling you guys are up against something more than a rogue bear.”

I look him in the eye and grab his hand he has offered. “I can’t say anything right now Jake, but I promise if we need more help I will let you know.”

I shake his hand once more and head to the door. After securing the small stuff in the bed of the truck and after putting the rifle and ammo in the back of the king cab, we head back on the road.

Elaine looks over at me with questions in her eyes. “What was that about the black powder rifle?”

I don’t answer right away because I see our next destination up ahead. As I get in the turn lane and wait with the other cars for the light to turn green, I look over at her and begin laying out my plans.

“After seeing that steel shot in Jake’s place I had a thought. Here we are with abilities even we aren’t sure of the limits of yet so what happens if the guns get messed up again or we find ourselves without them? I believe we can propel those steel shot with our minds just as hard as the AR back there," I shoot a thumb at the backseat. "And we can carry enough around with us at all times to use in emergencies!”

The light turns green and we pull into the lot and find a place near the store's contractor entrance.

“I knew I married you for your brains and not your looks!” She laughs and hugs me hard. I grunt in pain but returned her hug to keep her close to me for a little longer. She pulls back and looks at my pained expression. “Oh honey, I am sorry I should have been more careful.”

“It is ok it was totally worth it.” I grin and start to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Honey, why are we at a hardware store?” She looks out over the parking lot of the large hardware store.

“It was the arrows at Jake's and our guns from last night that gave me the idea. We did massive damage to the Sasquatch, I don’t know if we killed it, but we definitely put it out of action. So, what if we buy solid steel poles and have them strategically placed all around the property. We don’t even need to have them sharpen they just need to be solid steel poles. We already know they will penetrate the creatures because our guns did.”

“Incredible idea, and this way if they try to come after me when you are gone to work, I will have options while I wait for you to come to my rescue.” She winks at me and unbuckles as well.

We walk into the contractor's side and find someone to help us. After placing an order for a hundred ten foot long steel poles, I also discuss getting someone to come out and do an estimate for motorized steel shutters to be installed on the first floor external doorways and windows. The person at the project desk looks at me funny when I ask about them.

"Why do you want them on a house? They are usually only used on stores to prevent after hour break-ins.” The gentleman asks.

Again, the lie comes easy too easy. “We have had some animal intrusions at night and when we take trips, so I figure with these we can keep them out while we are asleep or away.”

As the clerk walks away to get some paperwork for the construction team to come install the shutters, my wife leans over and kisses me deeply. “You are so getting laid when we get home that is another brilliant idea, Hun!”

I grin and after filling out the paperwork and paying for it all we head back home, getting there just before dark. We hurry to unload the stuff we have in the truck and lock the house tight and then proceed to fix dinner. As the night closes in, we grow tense and anxious expecting an attack at any second.

Finally, it is bedtime. I take Curly out once more for his last bathroom break and I stand guard in the floods, playing with the steel shot, while he does his business. He finishes and I herd him into the house and lock up wishing the shutters were already installed. I head upstairs where Elaine is already in bed and get ready for bed.

After the trip and the nervousness from our expectation of danger, we both are exhausted. Even with the headache, we each still have but are starting to grow use to, we fall asleep quickly in each other’s arms.

An alarm goes off and I jump out of bed reaching for the twelve-gauge I was still keeping beside the bed. Before I grab it, I realized that it’s not the alarm system but the alarm on my phone making noise. I reach for it and pick the phone off the nightstand. With blurry eyes I squint to see the time: 6:00 am! I almost shout for joy, we made it a whole night with no alien attacks.

I quietly get in the shower and get ready for work the headache accompanying me like an old friend.

After getting my clothes on I lightly kiss my wife and head downstairs to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I get my coffee thermos and fill it up adding some creamer and stirring it together.

I throw a pop tart in the toaster and wait for it to pop up, I pull it out and put it in a paper towel and look out the front door. I look around, my hand going to the pouch of steel shot I put in my pocket last night before bed, I see nothing unusual and I sigh with relief. I go back inside closing and locking the door and head to the garage.

Hopping into my truck I open the garage door and back out and head down the drive to the main highway. Half an hour later I arrive at work and for some reason, as I walk into the office complex my headache gets slightly worse. Looking around I don’t see anything unusual and I head up the stairs to the second-floor office complex where my team’s development area is.

As I pass the security desk I wave at the guys and ladies who man the desk just as I do every day. Usually, one of them or several return my wave and say hi, but today they all stare straight ahead with blank looks on their faces. At the time I thought nothing of it, and I continued upstairs.

Reaching our suite of offices and labs I open the door to Suite D and head inside, the receptionist desk is empty with our admin assistant Rose nowhere to be found. I figure she is just running late or in the bathroom and buzz myself into the inner sanctum of computer and sensor research center two. I see Dave punching away at his workstation no doubt working on one of our new projects.

“Hi Dave, how was your weekend?” He turns and stares at me and for a split second, he has the same look as the security guards and then like a switch was flipped, he smiles like normal and greets me back.

“Hi Scott, sorry was engrossed in some sensor algorithms, my mind was somewhere else.”

“No problem, any idea where Rose or any of the other guys are?”

“They all called in. Would you believe they all have some sort of flu?” he shakes his head and turns back around and starts tapping away at his keyboard again.

“Well try not to get sick too and I will do the same. let me know if anyone makes it in, I am going to see our boss and then Will over at lab one.”

“OK will do Scott.” I chuckle silently, David has always been a strange duck, but he is good at what he does so I don’t harp on his lack of social skills.

Stepping back out into the hall I head over to my boss’s office area to give him the figures for the new AI-powered autonomous sensor system we are developing for the military’s next generation of drones and mobile ground attack bots.

As I proceed deeper into the complex my headache grows exponentially and it comes close to migraine levels. Along with the increase of the pain in my head, I start to hear a slight buzzing sound similar to the alien noise but much lower in volume. I won’t lie, this makes me really nervous and my eyes start darting around looking for black shapes in every nook and cranny between my office and the bosses.

Finally, I get to his office and head in to have Jan his admin assistant announce my arrival per our usual custom. Not finding her at her desk I walk up to his door and knock. I hear something indistinct behind the heavy door but can’t tell what it is. I start to knock again but hear heavy footsteps approach the door and it unlocks and opens. Standing there is my boss, but something is off I am not quite sure what at the time, but he opens the door fully and motions me in.

“Hello Scott, please come in. Sorry, Jan wasn’t here to ring you in. She is out with the Flu, like a lot of people are. I am beginning to wonder if we have some sort of pandemic starting.” He chuckles at that like it is some joke that people are sick.

I have known Bruce for about 10 years and never seen him be mean or callus, so seeing him laugh at people being out with a sickness takes me by surprise. I decide not to make a thing of it because maybe he is just starting to feel under the weather himself and it is making him grumpy.

“I came by to discuss the budget for project Annex and Disciple. Got some time to be bored?”

“I do, but I have a better idea! I was going to call you anyhow I have a new project for you to look over.” I expect him to go to his desk but instead, he opens the door and gestures for me to head out into the reception area.

I walk out and turn around to wait for him to close the office door. “Is the paperwork in another office?”

“Paperwork may come later. Come on you have to see this it will be a great boon to our company!”

Baffled, I continue to follow him out into the hall and to the elevators. At this point, my headache is raging and the buzzing is continuing, but I get in the elevator anyhow and watch as he pushes the button for the sub-basement assembly center where we keep large projects that need more room to be built.

“Is this an ongoing project Bruce?”

“I suppose you could say that yes.” There is a gleam in his eyes like he is on something and I feel that fluttering feeling you get when you know you are not safe.

After a minute or so we reach the subbasement and the door opens with a grumbling sound like it needs grease and wants you to know it in no uncertain terms. We step out and I notice that instead of being brightly light the hallway is dim like the darkness is hard and too thick to be penetrated by any light that is manmade.

“Looks like we need to get facilities here to fix our lighting down here.” Bruce grunts an acknowledgment as he walks into the gloom.

Following along I reach into my pocket and palm three of the steel shot as silently as I can, because my flight or fight instinct is screaming to run but my intellect is telling me I am just overreacting because of what has happened recently. Finally, we reach where ever it is Bruce wanted us to go.

“Here we go, Scott, just inside that door will be the greatest thing this company has ever embarked on!” His words do not fill me with elation and I pull my hand up ready to release the shot into whatever is behind the door.

He opens it and bright white light streams in from the room into the hall and he walks in. I follow even though I am freaking out because I want to know what might be in the room he has led me to. As I walk in the room, I see it is one of the huge hangers accessed from above by a very large materials mover and centered in the hanger is a large craft. It looks like a disk from the angle we are at, it is thin at the edges almost knife-like.

As we walk up, I see landing struts that have some sort of tracked locomotion device at the end of each one. They are far thinner than you would expect to support such a large craft but seem sturdy enough to be doing their job. As we get closer, I see that the shape of the ship isn’t really a complete disk but is more triangle shaped as it proceeds back from the circular front.

I am in awe of the ship in front of me and I don’t notice that Bruce has stopped some ways back from the ship as I proceeded forward. As I get directly under the front of the craft, I hear Bruce clear his throat and the slide of a semi-auto pistol being cocked. I turn and look in shock at the military .45 being pointed at me.

“Sorry about this Scott, but my masters think you are too dangerous to keep living! before I dispatch you though I do want a favor from you, I promise to make it a quick death if you provide me this favor.” The gun doesn’t waver from pointing at my head and I know I could probably rip it from his hand before he could pull the trigger so I play along to find out what he is talking about.

“OK, so what is this favor you want?” I slowly shuffle to the right, so I am closer to the front landing strut.

“Ah good, I see you understand where you stand in this.” Bruce takes a step forward. “My masters want this ship opened. Seems it belongs to a race that has alluded my master’s benevolent control and they believe getting inside this ship will give them the information they need to finally bring these uncontrolled creatures under their guidance.”

I look at the ship and then at Bruce. “So, you work for the assholes that have been ruining my sleep for the last few weeks?” I mentally prepare to rip the gun out of his hand.

Bruce laughs deeply, almost manically, like a villain in an old black and white movie. “Ah yes they told me you had resisted their loving control. I don’t see what is so special about you, but I will get what they want out of you and they will make me one of their elite.”

Having heard enough I pull the gun out of his hand. He looks at me in shock and suddenly I see fear in his eyes and then they go blank like his mind was no longer in residence.

“SCUM! I see you are still trying to destroy our plans, but this is as far as you go, we will destroy you now!” The voice coming out of Bruce is strange and distorted and his face looks different in some way I still can't put my finger on. I know I am in trouble because the only way out is either up in the big slow materials elevator or through Bruce who looks to be in the control of the aliens.

The buzzing that has been in my head grows to epic proportions and I wish that Elaine was here to help me, together we are have been able to take on anything they have thrown at us. Bruce suddenly has one of the alien weapons in his hand like the entity from the other night and behind Bruce, a door opens and one of the Sasquatch creatures lumbers out to stand beside Him.

“Now human you will die like you should have the other night!” The pain in my head makes me dizzy and I stumble and reach out to grasp the strut of the ship to brace me from falling.

I hear or rather feel a humming from the ship and a bright light illuminates the space between my soon to be killers and me, when the light fades Elaine is standing there looking perplexed but also carrying one of the steel poles I had ordered.

“Where the hell am I?” She looks around and sees the Sasquatch before she sees me, she lets out a scream of terror and stumbles back from the creature. In her haste to get away, she drops the pole and falls into me. I let go of the ship and grab her to keep her from falling.

Again, she screams but it is cut short when she sees me and realizes she is not alone in this nightmare. She grabs me in a tight embrace and I look up to see Bruce pointing the alien weapon at both of us, we fall to the ground both agonizing from the fire alight in our minds. I reach out and pick up the rod with my mind and shove it right through the Sasquatch. It staggers but doesn’t fall like the night before!

It just keeps coming at us as the Bruce/alien keeps laughing that strange distorted laugh.

“DO you think we are stupid? After last time you defeated one of our warriors, we have reinforced our tools to withstand your power!”

The Sasquatch continues to lumber after us as we back up under the ship trying to find some way to get to safety. I pick the rod up again and with the last of my mental strength I punch the steel rod through the head of the Sasquatch and the head explodes into a fire and this time the Sasquatch stumbles and falls as it starts to burn from its head down.

Another Sasquatch appears from the other side of the room and moving faster it closes in on us.

“Insolent creature I will destroy you, you have no more tricks, no one is here to save you this time, no meddling government authorities will stop me from killing you now.” I feel Elaine moving and suddenly a handful of the steel balls from Jake’s rocket across the room and destroy the head of the new Sasquatch, it falls burning like the other one.

I hear the alien scream and it touches something on the device and the pain in our heads grows till we are both crying out in indescribable horrific pain. I scramble back and pull Elaine with me, I keep my eyes on the alien even though I am slowly passing out. I feel myself bump into another strut and the ship hums again this time loud enough even the alien looks up at the ship.

“What have you done fool?” It screams at me as I slip away to unconsciousness. The last thing I hear is it screaming and a whistling noise.

I don’t know how long we are out, but when I come too I am leaning against a tree with Elaine still unconscious in my arms. I look around and realize we are back at our house in the backyard! The sun is nearly down, and my headache is back to a dull roar like normal and I see Curly looking at us from his kennel. Curly sees me move and he barks at me with one of his happy barks, waking Elaine with the sound.

“Ow, what the hell just happen Scott?” She rubs her head and gets up to a sitting position beside me and looks into my eyes. I see the confusion in her eyes and the exhaustion that has been building up in both of us over the last few weeks.

“Well, at first the alien was going to kill me, and then you show up out of the blue and well, you know the rest from there. Oh, and also, I think that alien ship that was there saved us by teleporting us home like it teleported you to me."

Elaine shakes her head and starts relating what she was doing before her abrupt appearance in the hanger. “I was looking over the load of rods that they delivered today to try and figure out how to hide them, and I had just picked one up and next thing I know I was staring at that big ugly brute.”

“Come on, Bruce wasn’t that bad, well not before he became all possessed and stuff.”

She punches me in the arm and scowls at me. I laugh and get up and reach down to help her off the ground. Figure we need to start getting in the house before dark and I needed to find out what happened at work. We head up to the house letting Curly out of his kennel on the way climbing the stairs of the back deck we turn to watch the start of a beautiful sunset happy to just be alive!

After watching the sunset for a few minutes arm in arm, we turn and head into the house locking the sliding doors and hitting the button on the alarm panel to activate the external sensors. I notice that the tv is switched on to the news and I immediately realize they are talking about my office building.

“Today tragedy struck at the (censored, sorry still don’t want anyone to know where I work) as an explosion ripped through a sub-basement of the tech giant. Officials at the company have no comment at this time, citing government contracts and NDA’s as excuses for not reporting what was in the sub-basement that could have exploded. Missing after the fire is Bruce (censored) and Scott (Censored sorry guys) both who were seen last, heading to the sub-basement that housed whatever cause the explosion.”

I look at Elaine and her eyes go wide. “OH, Scott what happened down there?”

“If I had my guess, I would say the ship self-destructed to keep the other aliens out of it. Anyhow, I need to report in, so they know I am alive.”

"But they will want to know where Bruce is!” She steps over to me and holds me like she about to lose me.

“I’ll tell them he stayed behind to finish some paperwork on the project and the last I saw him everything was fine. His work habits are well known and it wouldn't unusual for that to be the case. Everything will be fine.” I hug her to comfort her nerves.

“OK, I guess Honey. You know what they will believe. I just hope we don't have to keep lying to people like this.” She leans into me and kisses me deeply.

After a few minutes we break apart and I call work. After a lengthy conversation with HR, they tell me that the new building is going to be opened early for our offices and to take the next few days off with pay while they move the labs and office over to the new headquarters.

After that lengthy phone call, we head upstairs for bed. I guessed the alien bastards have had enough for the day because we slept the rest of the night soundly and with no interruptions.

Well, the headaches are still with us and they seem to be a help as much as a hindrance will they be enough to keep us safe?
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